This Article is set up to assist you in understanding what type of data is being requested in different sections of the Permission to Place.
The effective date is the date the Permission to Place is completed.
The Thirty Day Target Date is the date by which the district must either adopt the current IEP or develop a new IEP. The school has 30 SCHOOL DAYS from enrollment to complete the transfer process with the first day a student attends the new school and attendance is taken as Day 1 of the process.
Transfer the student’s eligibility from the most recent IEP. Consult with the pertinent service provider or school psychologist if the student’s eligibility is unclear.
Transfer the date of the most recent Reevaluation IEP from the most recent IEP. This date will be the “Date of Initial” IEP only when the student has not yet been reevaluated for special education services (i.e., they have been in special education less than 3 years and have not been through a Reevaluation cycle yet).
The assignment start date is the effective date of the Permission to Place.
The current IEP date is the date of the most recent IEP. The Previous IEP date is not required.
Enter relevant transportation information for the student.
If the previous public agency’s IEP will be adopted with no changes and meets the criteria set forth for adopting the IEP of an in county or in-state student, the Programs and Services entered here should match the most recent IEP exactly. If a new IEP will be developed (either for an out-of-state student or an in-county or in-state student whose IEP cannot be matched exactly), the programs and services should reflect the comparable programs and services recommended until the new IEP is developed for the student.
Complete the notice page, including whether previous IEP will be adopted or a new IEP developed, and any options and other factors considered.
The Permission to Place must be published before a new IEP can be published.
Upon publication,
- The District Representative will sign the Permission to Place.
- Scan and upload a copy of the signed Permission to Place to Student Uploads.
- Send a copy of the signed Permission to Place, corresponding Notice of the Implementation of Programs and Services, and Procedural Safeguards Notice to parents.
- File the originals in the student’s CA60.