The student’s designated case manager is the person responsible for implementation of the student’s IEP and is generally the student’s special education teacher or other pertinent service provider.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal privacy law giving parents certain protections with regard to their children's education records, such as report cards, transcripts, disciplinary records, contact and family information, and class schedules.
Free and Appropriate Public Education means special education and related services provided to special education students (1) at public expense, under public supervision and direction, and without charge, (2) that meet the standards of the State Educational Agency (SEA), (3) include appropriate preschool, elementary, or secondary school education in the state involved, and (4) are provided in conformity with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that meets the requirements of IDEA
An IEP is a written statement for each student with a disability who qualifies for special education. The IEP identifies the specially designed instruction and related services necessary to provide the student with an individually appropriate education and is reviewed yearly.
An IEP team is a group of individuals who work together to develop and implement a student’s IEP. The team includes the student’s parents, at least one regular/general education teacher, at least one of the student’s special education teachers or providers, a representative of the public agency who is qualified to provide or supervise the provision of special education, knows about the curriculum, and knows about the resources the school system has available, an individual who can interpret the evaluation results and talk about what instruction may be necessary for the student (who may be a teacher or service provider), the student when appropriate, representatives from any other agencies that may be responsible for paying for or providing transition services (if the child is 16 years or, if appropriate, younger), and other individuals (invited by parents or the school) who have knowledge or special expertise about the child. For example, an invited individual may be a relative who is close to the child, a childcare provider, or related services personnel.
IDEA was originally enacted by Congress in 1975 to ensure children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriate public education just like other children. The law has been revised many times over the years. The most recent amendments were passed by Congress in December 2004, with final regulations published in August 2006 (Part B for school-aged children) and in September 2011 (Part C, for babies and toddlers).
An Initial Evaluation is the type of evaluation used when a student is evaluated for special education for the first time.
Least Restrictive Environment means a student who has a disability should have the opportunity to be educated with non-disabled peers to the greatest extent appropriate.
MARSE is the set of implementing rules for federal and state laws for special education in Michigan
The MET is a group of school personnel who participate in special education evaluations. The exact make-up of the group depends on the student and the student’s suspected disability. Staff members who frequently participate include general and special education teachers, teacher consultants, school psychologists, school social workers, speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, and audiologists. The MET selects the tests or other assessment tools to use during the evaluation. Some members of the team will also administer the tests or participate in the evaluation process.
The MET form is used to establish whether a student is eligible for special education under a designated disability category and what criteria the student meets to establish the eligibility.
The Permission to Place form in Illuminate documents the provision of FAPE for transferring special education students while the IEP team, including parents, determines whether the student’s current IEP will be adopted or a new IEP will be developed. This documentation includes the student’s special education eligibility, important dates, transportation information, and programs and services that will be provided during the interim.
The Procedural Safeguards Notice is a May 2009 document provided by the Michigan Department of Education to assist parents of a student with a disability in learning about the procedural safeguards available to them under IDEA and MARSE.
A Reevaluation is an evaluation conducted when a student is already receiving special education services and determines whether the student continues to be eligible for special education. Reevaluations must be conducted at least every 36 months under IDEA.
Review of Existing Evaluation Data (REED)
A review of existing evaluation data (REED) is the process of looking at a student’s existing data to determine if additional data are needed as part of an Initial Evaluation or Reevaluation. Specifically, the group conducting the REED must decide whether further assessments are required to determine (1) whether the student has or continues to have a disability, (2) whether the student's present levels of academic achievement needs and related developmental needs have changed, (3) whether the student needs or continues to need special education and related services, and (4) whether the student needs any additions or modification to the special education and related services to meet the measurable annual goals set out in the individualized education program (IEP) and to participate, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum.
A public agency is a school system, district, school, or program who is providing educational services to a student.
A service provider is on the student’s IEP team and supports implementation of the IEP by providing direct or indirect services to the student.
The stay put provision under IDEA is the student’ right to remain in his/her current placement and receive services while the school and parents resolve a disagreement about the student’s educational placement.