This lesson will guide you through the process of printing report cards for all of your currently enrolled students.
Where to Start

- Click on the Grades tab.
- Select Printing & Print History.
Choose Students

- Use Student Scope Selectors to filter if you wish to print report cards for specific students.
- Additional Filters allow for printing for students in your roster by program, grade level, English Proficiency, etc.
- By default, the current grading period will be selected. Click to change to a different grading period if needed for historical report cards.
- Based on report cards shared to you, select the Report Card you wish to print. Grade Levels may have different Report Cards, so combo teachers may need to print separate report cards.
- By default, English versions of the report card will print and download. Only if your organization has built and created report cards in the other languages, will additional options appear. If selecting other languages doesn't provide a report card in that language, contact your System Admin for questions.
- Student Status by default is of Current Students, but can be changed to Inactive or All Students (Both Inactive or active in that selected grading period)
- Select Generate Report Cards to continue.
Teachers with multiple classes need to select one class at a time to print report cards. If you teach multiple classes, you should see an option to filter by Classes. If you try to select all classes, you will get a warning.
Print Notes and Status

- You can enter optional Notes about the report card(s) you are printing.
- Select Save to save any notes.
- To review the print history page, click View Your Print History. The report cards can be downloaded from this page with a summary of the request.
If you stay on the page, a down of the Report Cards will appear at the bottom of the screen to open.
Next Steps
Want to see your Print History? Download previously printed report cards again? Visit Print History for Elementary Report Cards for details!