Value Scales translate percentages into report card marks. Whether you are using DnA GradeBooks or thinking about using GradeBooks sometime in the year, you want to create value scales.
If you are not using the GradeBook for the year, proceed to Step 7 - Create Report Card Field Groups.
A Predefined Value Scale is like a value set with the exception that it is tied to data coming from somewhere else, such as a DnA GradeBook, Assessments, and/or Assessment Scores. For example, since GradeBooks are teacher tools and Report Cards are parent tools, it allows for creating a streamlined understanding of a student's earned overall mark.
To support linking DnA GradeBooks to the Report Card, Value Scales need to be set up in congruence of current grading practices. For example, if an ELA percentage is 79% in a Points-Based GradeBook, the system can translate this to a '3' on the report card. Typically the value scale is part of the legend or key located on the report card.
Special Scenarios:
- We may or may not be using GradeBooks. Should I make one? YES! Set yourself up for success by preparing for the what-if. You can have the report card ready for all scenarios and types of use at your district.
- We are using Standards-Based GradeBooks. We don't have percentages! You're right! So just make the scale of equal worth. For example, a standard calculation in a GradeBook is a 3 and translates to a 3 value scale, 2 to 2, 1 to 1 etc., in the Report Card.
Where to Start
1. Click Grades
2. Under Report Card Administration, select Value Scales, then Create Value Scale.
3. Title the Value Scale e.g., Performance Levels, Score Indicator, etc. If it applies to multiple grade levels, make sure to place that in the title such as "Gr. 1-3 Performance Level".
4. Choose if the value scale is for points-based grading (Percentage) or standards-based grading (Rubric).
5. In support of Performance-Based GradeBooks and Assessment scores, click YES to show on the edit screen what the actual percentage was that translates to this value. It is recommended to leave this set to Yes to eliminate any mystery about how a value was translated for a GradeBook score. In support of Standards-Based GradeBooks, click NO since a true value and not a percentage is to be shown.
6. Click Create Scale.
Create a Value Scale
Prior to creating, it is important to know what the cutpoints are across all grade levels or report cards, to best understand and setup properly how the overall mark from the GradeBook should translate onto the report card. The values cannot be edited once data has been entered, or it will remove existing grades from the entry screen.
1. Start with the band available on the screen and enter the Lower Bound or lowest percentage a student can receive in order to receive the associated value
2. Enter the Display Value or translated value to be printed as indicated on the report card
3. Select Add Band to add an additional band, repeating steps 1 and 2 until the entire value scale has been created
4. When finished, click Save
NOTE: You can have a Display Value of N/A or special character such as * when necessary, with or without a Lower Bound value. For example, you want the option of a * or N/A but not due to a GradeBook value of 0. Leaving the value as blank allows the Display Value to be available for teachers to enter in that field. Bands with no lower bound value will NOT have grades from a GradeBook automatically generate but the value will be a selection when teachers enter grades for students.
Other tools include:
- Sort Bands (5) if creating bands out of order and need to rearrange accordingly
- Edit Profile (6) of the band such as title/name
- Return to the Value Scales List by selecting Manage Value Scales (7)
- Ready to create a new one? Select Create a New Value Scale (8)
The following is only in support of using Standards-Based GradeBooks. The values are a rubric based and must be matching to the display value.
For example, 4 is 4, 3 is 3, etc. If using decimals, same set up needs to occur such as 2.5 is 3.5. Ranges are not available at this time.
1. Start with the band available on the screen and enter the Lower Bound which is a performance level value such as 4
2. Enter the Display Value or translated value to be printed as indicated on the report card, which in this case would be 4 (Advanced)
3. Select Add Band to add an additional band, repeating steps 1 and 2 until the entire value scale has been created
4. When finished, click Save
You can have a Display Value of N/A or special character such as * when necessary, with or without a Lower Bound value.
For example, you want the option of a * or N/A but not due to a GradeBook value of 0. Leaving the value as blank allows the Display Value to be available for teachers to enter in that field. Bands with no lower bound value will NOT have grades from a GradeBook automatically generate but the value will be a selection when teachers enter grades for students.
Other tools include:
- Sort Bands (5) if creating bands out of order and need to rearrange accordingly
- Edit Profile (6) of the band such as title/name
- Return to the Value Scales List by selecting Manage Value Scales (7)
- Ready to create a new one? Select Create a New Value Scale (8)
Where Do I See This On the Report Card Setup Process?
When you get to the step of Step 8 - Create Report Card Fields each field is assigned a field type. If creating a field type of Assessment or GradeBook Score, or Assessment Fields to link data to Report Cards, these types will require to choose a Value Scale so that the system knows how to store and display the data correctly.
Next Steps
Now that value scales have been created, you are ready to move to Creating Report Card Field Groups!