If it is the first time secondary sites are publishing grades and sending home report cards, a couple of measures should be taken. The following are Illuminate recommendations for ensuring grades are posted successfully.
Teacher Posting/Publishing
1. After teachers post grades, but before they publish final grades (aka click the Publish button), they should verify that grades are accurate on their screen. Any student who should not receive a grade should not be submitted, etc.
2. Once grades are published, teachers should download the Excel file of the published grades. This is for their records.
Entry Report
Navigation: Grades > Report Cards > Entry Report
This can be used by teacher to find fields, field group, and students that have published or completed data. The Report Card Entry Report Tree indicates which fields, field group, and students are published.
Missing Teacher Entry Report
Navigation: Grades > Report Cards > Missing Teacher Entry Report
This report allows Administrators to find teachers who have not completed entering data in a specific grading period and report card. The report indicates the unpublished field group and the number of unpublished students. Administrator can view the list of unpublished students.
Class/Section Grade Check
After teachers publish grades, you can verify final grades. To do so, go to Reports > View Reports > select Prebuilt > open the Grade Posting Log. See the 'Grade Posting Log' help document for further information.
They should check the log for each class during this grading period:
- Do the grades look right?
- Is anyone missing?
- Did someone receive grades that should not have received a grade?
Report Card Check
Before mailing report cards home, sites should spot check report cards for several students:
- Are grades accurate?
- Are credits accurate?
- Did the address information print correctly?
- Do you notice anything odd or out of place?
Basically, you just want to ensure grades are ready for parents and students to view.