The last step requires you have a PDF of any report card you use. You will map or "click-drag-drop" the fields where they are designated to print on the document. This will also make available the Report Card Viewer entry option for teachers available, where they can enter data by student on the actual report card.
Before You Begin
Mapping the fields in the report card layout is one of your last steps as a builder! However, it is highly recommended to wait until no major changes to your field groups and fields occur. When field groups or fields are deleted or removed, and were previously mapped onto the document, you will be prompted to remove and remap accordingly. While the smart layout tools assist you, it is more of a tedious task for the builder.
Where to Start

- Click Grades.
- Select Report Cards > click the Report Card name.
- Click English or Spanish depending on the report card language.

As your Master Template, select English. Any additional languages supported in your instance will also be available here. Not until you have completed your Master Template or English, will you work and support (optional) other language's layout.
- Click Upload Template to begin.

- Select Choose File to select the report card document you have stored on your device. The document should be saved in Adobe PDF format.
- Once selected, click Upload.
If an existing document is already attached, it will be notated next to Existing File. This means you do not have to attach a document if that is the correct one. To replace or update the attached document, simply reupload to replace. This will not affect any mapping already completed.
Now that the document or template is attached, you are ready to start mapping!

- Under English, select Edit Layout to begin.
Mapping fields simply means placing data were it is designated to print on the document, similar to a Form Letter or Mail Merge. This screen provides all of the tools you need to do so!
The field groups and fields available on the left-hand side of the tool populate or become available based on which Field Groups you selected to be on this report card. Is a Field Group missing? Then go back to Report Card List and visit the details of this report card to review, add, or remove.
The Report Card Template Layout screen is where you can will configure and designate where data prints and how it is formatted, or looks.
- Thumbnails for each page of the document will display here.
- Toolbar will provide tools to mass apply alignment to multiple fields, keeping straight edges, lines and justification.
- Common Fields are fields that Illuminate has provided for you such as site information, teacher information and basic student information.
- Field Groups that were attached or assigned to this report card are displayed and ready to be mapped onto the document.
- Inspector Tool (i) when selected, provides a Palette of formatting options available to format the field's appearance.
- Remove fields individually or using the mass select tool from the form. Using mass select, you can easily move multiple fields in a single click.
- Save often and always when mapping, especially in small chunks of work.
- Sort Field Groups Order can assist in rearranging the field groups to match the physical document and customizes the teacher's entry screen. Highly Recommended!
- Permissions shows who the report card is shared to, vital to the entry process
- Report Card List returns to all of the report cards created or homepage.

Each field will need to Click-Drag-Drop into the designated space to print. The name of the field is for your infomraiton as the builder to know which field you need. When the report card is printed, the actual value will print in the designated space.
- 1. The fields on the left need to be dragged to the report card position on the PDF.
2. The red corner of the field allows you to adjust the size.
3. For boxes, be sure the field fits within the box.

The block alignment tools allows you to align multiple blocks for uniformity.
1. You can left, center, or right align the blocks.
2. You can top, center, bottom align the blocks.
3. You can adjust the height or width of the blocks. The tool will default to adjust to the tallest/widest block. If you hold your shift key as you click on the specific block alignment icon, the tool will adjust to the shortest/most narrow block.

1. Click on the Formatting Palette icon to change font styles and alignment of your text in a single block or multiple blocks. To select a block(s), bring your mouse outside of a block(s), then click and drag over the block(s).
2. Once you release your mouse, the selected block(s) will turn green like the example above.
3. To remove a block, select a block and click the red Delete button at the top of the page.
To support other languages for report cards, you have an actual document translated in that language (for example, Spanish). To support other languages you would repeat Upload the PDF step for each language you are support, for this specific report card.

From the Master or English, select Copy Layout.
Choose the Destination Language the layout should copy to such as Spanish. Select Submit. You will see a green banner message that it was successful.
At this point, verify the copy went as expected by selecting the language (ie Spanish) > Edit Layout. If necessary, using the above tools previously learned to format and refine how the data will print on this version of the report card.
If a template has not been upload to the designated language, it will not allow you to copy the layout.
Return to the homepage to return to all of the report cards created. For each report card and language supported, please repeat the above steps to complete mapping of the the fields.
Next Steps
You may on this step for a bit depending on how active you are changing field groups and fields, which ideally you want to do this step last.
Ready to test and print? Visit Step 11 - Review Sharing, Print, and Test to get started.