This lesson will guide you through all of the setup procedures for seamlessly creating additional report cards for the current year's grading periods by use of the Report Card Duplication tool. It is extremely helpful and advised that all report card setup procedures (field groups, fields, value scales, value sets, and sharing) are as updated and perfect as can be.
Please reach out to your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions before you begin.
This process should be done after the first grading period and entry window is complete and closed. Ideally, any troubleshooting, adjusting, fine-tuning, and editing should have been done. Now, you can setup the rest of the year in just a few clicks!
Before You Start, Let's Review
Before getting started with setting up the rest of the year, ask yourself the following questions below:
If NO (and in most cases it is), field groups do not need to be recreated and can be applied across multiple report cards, unless they are completely different from previous grading periods. We advise to review them anyways, just in case. If NO, you may move onto the next question.
If YES, and you may be using a new set of standards, new data sources, or new data field types in any of these field groups, you will need to create new field groups with new labels for the new grading period. At minimum, you may have one new Field Group and Fields to create in support of areas such as Attendance (using Custom Reports or a Summary Assessment).
- For example (rare based on Report Card design), if the Reading Field Group has a Foundational Skills field that changes which standards are linked from gradebook from Trimester 1 to Trimester 2, then a new field group and fields specific to Trimester 2 is required.
- For example (most common with those who automate attendance via Custom Report), If a field is tied to a custom report that is calendar or date/time specific (such as attendance), then a new field group and fields is required for each grading period.
Depending on the Field Type you may have to also create additional setup components such as Value Sets and/or Value Scales.
If NO, you may move onto the next question. Yahoo!
If YES, and they are pulling from the SAME column of data on that same custom report, there is no need to create a new field group or field. You can reuse it since the only thing that will change is the value. This is for custom reports and data that is not date or time specific but more of a static value like a test score when applicable or assessment or demographic information.
If YES, and they are pulling from a NEW or different column of data on that same custom report, you can duplicate that field group and chose the new data column you want to use to populate this field group. This could be an example of CELDT where there could be multiple scores, but the Report Card has one spot to fill regardless of time of year and the most current score when available.
If YES, and the custom reports are set to retrieve data from a specific date range or grading period (i.e., Attendance), you will need to duplicate the custom report for each grading periods and set filters appropriately to match that of the new grading period. Don't forget to edit the title as well.
If YES, that means your document has a layout to accommodate all grading periods throughout the year. Most elementary report cards are set up this way. You may move forward to the next question.
If NO, and the actual document is specific to each grading period, that means you have a report card for Quarter 1 or Trimester 1 only. If this is the case, then you will need to:
- Create a new Print Group for each report card or document you have
- Create a new Report Card for each report card or document you have
You must create new Print Groups prior to new Report Cards.
Why Would I Need a New Print Group?
Traditionally and most common, if the report card is the same for multiple grading periods, then the same print group can be used. Its like a folder that helps data populate in the correct form and layout regardless of when a report card is printed during the year. But if the document changes or is grading specific, it needs a new print group or folder to be housed it.
Only if the report card has a completely different layout or document, or a single report card for each grading period is needed, then a new print group needs to be created and assigned.
If you have answered YES to at least one of the above questions, it is highly advised to complete any setup elements for your new grading period's report card.
Where to Start
The following steps will help to review and setup report cards needed for the rest of the year.
Depending on your answers from the above questions, you may skip a step or two. Most users will skip Step 3: Print Groups due to its unique nature.
Go to Reports > List Reports and search for the custom report to duplicate. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 1 Report Card Attendance Testing Report:
- Because data is being populated based on a specific window of time, the report must be duplicated
- Duplicate (1) the report once you have verified it is working as expected and verified the data is correct
- Once duplicated, retitle with the next grading period in the title, such as Report Card Attendance Testing Report Tri 2
- Use filters in the report to adjust the date and time window of information you are collecting
Next Steps Feeling frisky? Do this procecss for all grading periods so the reports are ready for Field Groups and Fields. Once the Field Group/Fields have been duplicated, you can reselect the new report and new column of data as appropriate
Go to Reports > List Reports and search for the custom report to edit and add data to. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 2 Report Card: Programs:
- Because the report is not time sensitive, you can use the existing custom report and only add a new column of data
- Click the title (2) to open the existing report
- Select Add Column to find and add desired data to the existing report
Next Steps Once the Field Group/Fields have been duplicated, you can reselect the existing report and new column of data as appropriate.
Go to Reports > List Reports and search for the custom report to edit and add data to. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 3 Co-Teachers for Report Cards:
- Because data is not time or date sensitive and a new column of data is not required, leave the report alone!
- No need to duplicate the report
- No need to duplicate Field Groups and Fields tied to the report
Next Steps Move on to Step 2.
Remember, if the column of data within a custom report field does not change, you do not need a new or duplicated custom report. Only when the date and time of how student data is presented (ie Attendance). If the report is not time senstiive you can add the column of data to the report and just change the column it pulls from in the field. Need help on learning more about Custom Reports? Visit our Custom Report lessons for details.
Compare your previous grading period's field groups to the rest on the report card. Go to Grades > Field Groups to review. This means the field group and fields are fine exactly as they are, BUT you noticed some options and titles are incorrect. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 3 of Field Group 4th Grade Math:
- Click Manage Fields of the Field Group (3) to review the fields and how they are set up
- Since the data isn't changing there is no duplication needed
- You can edit and adjust the title and field options of the Field Group, without tampering or altering historical data
- If you plan on editing which standards or assessments are linked because they needed to be and weren't included, then know while these can be added, they can affect historical data - this would be considered a major adjustment and if not wanting to alter previous grades, to be considered a Brand New Field Group
Next Steps Feeling frisky? Do this process for all grading periods. Once you've made the minor changes (titles and options), you may move forward to the next step.
Compare your previous grading period's field groups to the rest on the report card. Go to Grades > Field Groups to review. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 1 of Field Group Attendance T1:
- Because data in any field in the field group do not match the previous grading period, you will need to create new field groups specific to the next grading period
- Click the title of the Field Group (1) to Duplicate as opposed to starting over - which you can do
- Duplicating and editing allows the sharing and teacher permissions to remain sticky to the field group and fields so you don't have to do that again
- Once duplicated, retitle with the next grading period in the title, such as Attendance T2
- Edit and/or Remove any fields that are incorrect and add or create news ones as desired
Next Steps Feeling frisky? Do this process for all grading periods. Once you have created all the new field groups you need, you may move forward to the next step.
Compare your previous grading period's field groups to the rest on the report card. Go to Grades > Field Groups to review. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 2 of Field Group 4th Grade Reading:
- Because there are no changes to any or all fields within the field group, the field group can be reused for the new report card. Leave the field group and fields alone!
- No need to duplicate the field group or fields
- No changes need to be made to the field group and fields
Next Steps Move on to the next step.
Remember, Field Groups and Fields are tied and are like a family where they stay together. If a single field changes from one grading period to the next, you have to create a new Field Group and Fields for that grading period. These are also what builds the teacher's entry screen and helps the builder know where to map or layout where the data populates on the document or report card. Don't forget, any new field groups created will need to be shared as appropriate to users. See our Field Groups lesson for details.
Review your document or report card. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 1 of Print Group Gr.K:
- Because your Report Card or document will show all data from all grading periods, you do not need to create a new Print Group
- When you build your Report Card for the remaining grading periods, they will be filed into the Gr.K Print Group or folder automatically
- No need to create a new print group or alter the current one
Next Steps Move on to the next step to create the rest of your report cards!
Review your document or report card. Take a look at the screenshot and Sample 2 of Print Group IEE Trimester 1:
- Because your Report Card or document only is formatted to display a single grading period, you must create a new Print Group
- When you build your Report Card for the remaining grading periods, they will be filed into the grading specific Print Group or folder manually
- Create a print group for each report card, for each grading period
Next Steps Move on to the next step to create the rest of your report cards!
Only if your report card or document does not support multiple grading periods would you need to create a new print group such as Gr 1 Trimester 2. Don't forget, Print Groups need to be created prior to creating new Report Cards. See our Report Cards lesson for details.
By duplicating or copying the prior grading period's report card, all previously setup components will also copy over automatically.
Navigation: Select Grades > Report Cards. In the Report Card list, select Duplicate (1) next to the report card you wish to copy (For example: IE Grade 1).
- Add the upcoming grading period to the name or Title of the Report Card such as Trimester 2 or Quarter 3.
- Change and update the Grading Period Number to the appropriate grading period.
- All previously selected Field Groups will be attached, but make sure to select any field groups that are specific for this grading period.
- The Student Groups should also be attached automatically. If not, just reselect to confirm.
Once finished, select Submit to save.
Duplicating the entire report card will benefit you in that all other setup components will be sticky, which include sharing, print groups, student groups, and field groups automatically. Yahoo! We do advised to always review any changes made to ensure report card success. You will need to duplicate each report card individually.
When in the new grading period's report card, complete the following:
- Go to English>Edit Layout to arrange the new grading period's field groups and fields in the appropriate report card area
- Scroll through the menu to the left (1) and select the field groups for the new grading period, such as Trimester 2
- Drag each field group to the T2 (2) box on your template.
- If the Spanish layout needs to be completed, you can use the Copy Layout feature available once the English layout is complete
If the report cards are in the same Print Group, the layout can be completed on the first report card or the grading period specific report card. For example, all layouts and mapping for all grading periods can be completed on the Trimester 1 report card. Because they are in the same Print Group, they will print as expected as long as the fields for the new grading period are mapped accordingly. Most users like to map Trimester 2 in the Trimester 2 report card and so on.
If the report card is in a different Print Group or is different from the first, the layout will need to be specific to that report card and specific print group. Please visit our Print Groups documents for further instructions.
The one thing we can't automatically do for you is to make sure the Fields for the report card's assigned grading period are mapped where you want them. Mapping or the layout of the fields needs to be completed in order for a user's ability to print and use the PDF Viewer Entry option.
Next Steps
Now that you've created your Report Cards, learn about Advanced Elementary Report Card Setup for Admin.