This lesson will review the requirements of the Notice of FAPE for the REED.
The Notice for the REED is provided to the parent/guardian once the Request, Present Level and Plan sections of the REED have been completed. Notice is provided every time a district is proposing to conduct an evaluation or when a district has determined that no additional evaluations were needed after looking at the present level information.
1. Select, "You are receiving this because the district is proposing to conduct and evaluation" if the Plan determined further data was needed to determine:
- whether the student continues to have a disability or has an additional disability and/or needs special education and related services;
- the present levels of performance and educational needs of the student
- whether additions or modifications to special education & related services are needed to enable student to meet annual goals and to progress in the general curriculum.
Select, "You are receiving this because the district reviewed existing evaluation data and determined that no additional evaluations were needed" if the IEP Team has determined that no additional information or evaluation data is required for continued eligibility on the Plan page.
2. Click on Save.
Complete Notice
1. Add "Options and Other Factors Considered".
2. Add "Reason for Not Selecting".
3. Click on white plus sign in green circle. Add additional Options/Commons and Reasons as appropriate.
4. Select district.
5. Add Person to contact for additional information in understand their rights.
6. Add phone number.
7. Add Method how of the parent were informed of the content of the REED.
8. Add person informed parents of contents of the REED.
9. Select "Yes" or "Not applicable".
10. Enter/select the Date the Notice was provided to the Parent.
11. Select Save.

The Date the Notice was provided to the Parent should be the same date the District Superintendent or Designee signs REED Notice of FAPE.