This lesson is intended to be a walk-through for closing the REED.
This lesson requires that the following steps have taken place:
1. You have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the Students manual for help.
2. A REED has been created. For information on how to create a REED, see the "Add a REED" lesson in the "REED" manual.
3. Present Level, Plan, Notice, Key Dates and Evaluation Logs have been completed. For information on how to complete these portions of the REED, see the "Enter Required REED Information" chapter in the "REED" manual.
4. At least one MET Report has been created for the REED. For information on how to create a MET Report, see the "Create and/or Edit MET Report(s)" chapter in the REED manual.
Where to Start
1. Click Special Ed.
2. Click REED (Referral).
Click Edit to open the REED for your selected student.
Click the Close tab in the Sub-navigation Toolbar.
Note: Clicking the Close tab does not immediately close the REED, The Close tab will direct you to a Referral Summary Page that contains the option to Close or Finalize the referral.
Address Errors in the REED
1. Confirm there are no errors listed in any of the sections of the REED.
2. If there are errors present in any of the REED sections you will be prompted by red text and a description of the incomplete section similar to that shown in the above image.
3. To correct errors:
A. Return to the tab in the Sub-navigation Toolbar where the errors exist.
B. Address the areas containing missing or incorrect information.
C. Save any changes.
D. Return to the Close tab via the Sub-navigation Toolbar to confirm no additional errors exist
Once all errors have been addressed review the REED to ensure all information is correct.
Close the REED
If the REED is ready to be closed click the link highlighted in the screen shot above.
Note: Once clicking the link at the bottom of the referral summary page you will be prompted by a popup box confirming your decision to close the REED. If you wish to Cancel simply click Cancel and you will be taken back to the Close Details page. By clicking Yes or OK the REED will officially be Closed/Finalized.
Warning: Closing the REED cannot be undone.
Next Steps
Once you have closed the REED, you may wish to print the REED and/or MET Report. For additional information consult the Illuminate Special Education Help Site at