This lesson is intended to be a walk-through for completing the MET Report. Information about how to add important MET dates, assign primary or secondary disability categories, complete diagnostic assurance statements, and make eligibility recommendations is contained in this lesson.
Before You Begin
This lesson requires the following steps have already been completed:
- A referral has been created. For information on how to create a referral, take a look at Add a REED.
- Present Level, Plan, Key Dates, and Evaluation Logs have been completed. For information on how to complete these portions of the REED, take a look at Enter Required REED Information.
Where to Start

- Select Special Ed., then select REED (Referral).

- Select Edit to open the REED for your selected student.

- Select the MET tab in the Sub-navigation Toolbar.
Edit, View, or Delete MET Report(s)

- Select:
- Edit to alter an existing MET Report
- Delete to remove a MET Report
- Add to create and omplete the MET Report.
For more information on how to Add or Edit a MET Report please refer to the Add, Edit, and/or Delete MET Report(s).
Example Report: Cognitive Impairment MET
- Using the Date Picker Icon to select the MET Report Date.
- Indicate type of Eligibility determination.
Complete Diagnostic Assurance Statements

Complete the Diagnostic Assurance Statements section by clicking the radio button next to True or False for each applicable statement.
Select Eligibility Recommendations

- Use the radio buttons to indicate Eligibility recommendation.
- Use the radio buttons to indicate if the disability is Primary .
- Enter the Attached Report Name containing data to support the Eligibility Recommendation.
- Select Submit.

- Upon successful save, a green box indicating Data saved successfully will appear.