General Overview of Supplemental Aids/Service Page of SOP
1. To Add a Supplemental Aid/Service click the Add button to the far right of the "My Present Levels of Performance" section.
2. To Edit click Edit in the column next to the Supplemental Aid/Service.
3. To Delete click Delete in the column to the far right next to the Supplemental Aid/Service.
4. To continue onto the Post School Goals and School Recommendations Page, select Next.
Notes: Any area with a Red Asterik requires a supplemental aid/service. Any area(s) that already have supplemental aids/services listed were brought over with the demonstrated need statement(s) from the IEP.
To Add A Supplemental Aid/Service
1. Click Add.
1. Select the appropriate Supplemental Aid/Service. NOTE: To see a section click on the PLUS button located to the left of a section.
2. Enter the condition for when the Supplemental Aid/Servic
Next Steps
Once all supplemental aids/services have been added click Next to continue to the Post School Goals and School Recommendations Page of the SOP.
For more infomraiton on how to complete this section go to the "Add, Edit/Delete Post School Goals and School Recommendations" Chapter of the Summary of Perofmrance Manual.