This lesson will walk you through how to select Demonstrated Need statements and Post Secondary Activities from the IEP that you would like carried over to the SOP.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help.
This lesson also requires that you have "added" an SOP for the student. For more information on how to "add" an SOP go to the "Begin a SOP" Lesson.
Where to Start
1. Select Demonstrated Needs.
NOTE: Any Supplementary Aids/Services that are connected to ANY Demonstrated Needs that you select to bring over to the SOP will also come over.
1. Select either:
a)"Do not bring over to Summary of Performance (Rationale Required)" or
b) "Modify Demonstrated Need and then bring over to the Summary of Performance. NOTE: Any Supplementary Aids/Services tied to the demonstrated need will also come over the the SOP Process."
2. IF "Do not bring over to Summary of Performance" is selected, enter the rationale in the text area provided.
3. IF "Modify Demonstrated Need and then bring over to the Summary of Performance" is selected, a dropdown will appear.
4. Select the Academic Content Area from drop down list provided.
5. Modify the Demonstrated Need as appropriate.
Repeat above steps for all Demonstrated Need areas.
6. Click Submit.
NOTE: When clicking SUBMIT on the Carryover Option Page, this will save the data on the entire page and take you back to the Carryover Option Page.
1. Select Post-school Activities.
1. Select if you would like to bring over the IEP Transition Activity to the SOP as a SCHOOL RECOMMENDATION.
2. If YES was selected for "Would you like to bring over the activity as a school recommendation", select the "Post-School Goal Area that you would like to connect the School Recommendation (IEP Transition Activity)" to in the SOP.
3. Complete the process for each IEP Transition Activity Area.
4. Click Save.
5. Select Back to Carryover Options to go back to the Carryover Options Page.
NOTE: The two IEP Transition Goal Areas of: Adult Living and Community Participation combine into Independent Living (if applicable) in the SOP IF you are using an IEP that was published before the release of the UPDATED Transition Goals Details Page.