1. Click Add/Edit to add and/or edit the Summary of Present Level Page.
1. To Edit an area that already has data in Need section, click on the word Edit in the column to the right of the Need.
2. To Delete an area that already has data in Need section, click on the word Delete in the column to the far right of the Need.
3. To Add a need in an area, click on the Plus Sign Icon just below the area.
4. Click Done to exit the Demonstrated Needs Page and go back to the Summary of Present Level Page.
Any area with a Red Asterik* is a required area that must be completed BEFORE the SOP can be published. These areas are: Reading (i.e. basic reading grade level, reading comprehension grade level), Math (i.e. math grade level, banking, budgeting, and ability to problem solve), Written Language (i.e. functional (minimal) writing, basic writing, advanced writing), Learning Skills (i.e. class participation note taking, keyboarding, organization, homework, study/test taking skills, time management, etc.) and Social Skills and Behavior (i.e. interactions with teachers/peers, level of initiation in asking for assistance, responsiveness to services and accommodations, degree of involvement in extracurricular activities, confidence and persistence as a learner, emotional or behavior issues related to learning and/or attention)
Any area without a Red Asterik is optional and these include: Environmental Access/Mobility, Independent Living Skills/Self-Determination/Self-Advocacy and Additional Considerations that can assist in making decisions about disability determination and needed accomodations.

1. Enter the Present Level of Performance for student in the Text Area.
2. Select either YES if a Supplemental Aid/Service is needed for this Academic Area or NO if a SAS is not needed.
3. Click Save.
Continue adding Need(s) as appropriate and then select Done to exit the Demonstrated Needs Page and return back to the Summary of Performance Page.
Next Steps

1. Once all required areas on the Summary of Performance have been added, click Next at the bottom of the page to move onto the next section, "Supplementary Aids/Services".
For Details on how to complete the Supplementary Aids/Services Page of the SOP go to the lesson titled, "Add, Edit or Delete Supplemental Aids/Services" within the SOP Manual.