This lesson provides an overview of FTE, general information on FTE, how FTE is calculated, and maximum FTE based on FTE Type. This information should help to better understand how FTE is calculated in the Illuminate Special Education system.
General information about Full-Time Equivalency (FTE)
FTE information is not an IEP item that will print out on the form; however, this information is critical in the calculation of your district’s state aid money. Therefore, it is crucial that the FTE information is accurate and current.
Note: FTE is enrollment specific meaning that for each district in which the student is being educated, an FTE page will be generated by Illuminate. If a student is receiving programs, in one district and one building, there will only be one FTE page. If the student is being educated (split between) in more than one district, then there will be an FTE page for each site.
It is important that each FTE page for the student is completed based on the circumstances for that site. If you have questions about the FTE for a particular student, please contact your district supervisor or his/her administrative assistant.
FTE Types

Ten (10) different FTE Types exist in the Illuminate system. FTE Types (i.e. Standard, Birth-2, 3-5 Program, etc.) directly affect how the student's FTE is calculated based on state mandated minimum/maximums and programs/services that the student is receiving.
3-5 Program - This option is most commonly associated with 3-5 year old programs (ECDD). This applies to students receiving ECDD programming and is based on the state minimum 360 building clock hours for the school year.
Birth - 2 – This option should be selected for students enrolled in or receiving programs related to Birth to 3 programs (a.k.a. Child Find). This scenario is designed to be for the student whom will receive services within the home by the Birth to 3 team as well as students whom are ages Birth to 3 receiving programming in a district building. Birth to 3 FTE is based on the state minimum 72 clock hours for a school year. If you are providing more than 72 hours please use the manual FTE as this FTE type limits the FTE to a maximum of .4
Early On Part A - This option is not used at this time.
Homebound/Hospitalized – This option will be used by any student that meets the Homebound/Hospitalized requirements. Homebound/Hospitialized FTE always generates a 1.0 FTE regardless of instructional time.
Reduced FTE – This option will be used by any student whose IEP has determined that the student needs a reduced day for any reason. For example, a student who cannot attend a full day of school due to medical needs, discipline issues, or another reason will require a Reduced FTE.
Special Education Only - This option applies to students who are only receiving special education FTE.
Standard - This option applies to the majority of students. Standard FTE applies to a student attending a full day of school and is based on the state minimum 1,098 building clock hours for a school year.
Services Only OR Zero FTE - These FTE options might be used for any nonpublic student OR for students who are just receiving ancillary services such as speech.
Manual – This option will be used for any scenario that DOES NOT fit into any of the aforementioned categories. The Manual FTE Type should ONLY be used in special circumstances. Should an extenuating circumstance arise, by selecting Manual the user will be prompted to manually enter information into a variety of fields so that an FTE can be calculated.
For more information on how to apply a specific FTE Type to a student, see the "Update/Change FTE for a Student" lesson in this manual.
Next Steps
You are now ready to assign FTE Types to student programming/services. For more information on how to make changes to a student's FTE for pupil accounting purposes see the "Update/Change FTE for a Student" lesson in this manual.