This article will walk you through the changes that have been made to the Goal and Objectives and Demonstrated Need Sections of the IEP Process within Illuminate.
You can NOW search for the standard without having the areas with the red asterik completed first!
You can just skip down and search for the standard to connect your goal right away if you would like!
The help clues have been updated to allow for greater understanding of what data might be required.
Additional Changes to the Goals/Benchmark Goals Page
1. Added space between the two sections and added a prompt for Goal creation section.
2. Changed label from Modified Goal Description to Skill/Behavior/Condition to better reflect what is required within the text area.
3. Changed label from Performance Criteria to Accuracy/Criteria.
4. Changed label from Length of Time to Timeframe/Date.
5. Both Accuracy/Criteria and Timeframe/Date text boxes are now text areas.
6. No need to add a period (.) at the end of Timeframe/Data to complete the sentence as the period will be added for you on the IEP PDF and within the IEP Process!
1. Now the ENTIRE goal will show on the IEP Wizard Goal Details Page!
2. No need to add a period (.) anymore within the goal page as the system automatically adds one at the end of the goal!
1. A helpful hint has been updated to provide more detailed information.
IEP Benchmark Objective Changes
1. Added a helpful note for greater clarification.
2. Changed the label to allow for greater clarification along with an example.
Changes to Objective Page for a Standard Goal
1. Added a note to allow for greater clarity of what should be entered into the text box.