The "Early On Error Report" and "Early On Data Preview" table will show count information for students ages birth to three who are Early On eligible.
Permission to VIEW Early On Error Report/Early On Data Preview Table: Any user(s) that have access to the "Student MSDS" section and the Special Ed extract will automatically have access.
FYIs about the " Early On Error Report" and "Early On Data Preview"
1. The data in both "Early On Error Report" and the "Early On Data Preview" table come from the Time Capsule.
2. The "Early On Preview Table" displays just under the "Early On Error Report".
3. The "Early On Error Report" and the "Early On Preview Table" contain hyperlinks to the appropriate data entry page. NOTE: Some will take you to the Time Capsule side (MSDS) while others will take you to the Current depending the data you wish to edit.
NOTE: The Early On Error Report does NOT replace the error report for MMSE eligible children. For students who are MMSE eligible you will also need to run the Error Report available on the Spec Ed Extract page in order to determine/correct any errors for required special education state reporting components.
1. Select the District from the dropdown. NOTE: The ISD can also be selected to view the data errors, etc.
2. Select the Start Date (NOTE: The date defaults to the same start date selected in the Time Capsule.)
3. Select the End Date (NOTE: The date defaults to the same end date selected in the Time Capsule.)
4. Select Submit.
Early On Error Report Overview:
1. Student's name and UIC column.
2. Component (Early On) column.
3. This column shows the Characteristic for Count (i.e. Timely Start of Service, Part C Exit Reason, etc.)
4. The Code Error column will show the code number.
5. The Message column will show the Code Error Translation/hyperlink to view/make changes.
6. The Definition column provides further information on the expected data.
1. Review the Error Codes, Message(s) and Definition(s).
2. Click on the blue hyperlink in the Message column to view/make changes to the data. Note: To open up a new tab hold down the Control Key (or Command Key for Mac Users) while clicking on the blue hyperlink. This will open another tab while keeping the Error Report Open on the original tab.
3. Continue correcting errors until all have been addressed.
4. Run the Early On Error Report to verify all errors have been addressed in the Time Capsule.
*If you ONLY correct the errors in the Time Capsule the errors will still exist in LIVE.
*Only pull a new Time Capsule in the days leading up to Count. Once Count Day has arrived, do one last pull at the end of the day and do not pull another Time Capsule until your data has been uploaded, verified, etc. in MSDS.
This table allows the user to preview the data that will be contained in the Partial Spec Ed. Extract and the Special Ed Extract.
1. To download into Excel, PDF, Tab delimited, etc. use the appropriate download option.
2. To view the page and/or make changes to the Time Capsule data shown, click on the blue field which is a hyperlink. Tip: Hold down the Control Key (Command Key for Mac Users) while clicking on the data to open up in a new tab. REMEMBER to make changes on the LIVE side as appropriate as well.
Please use the link below to view the Error Report Code Resource: