Description: A student roster report with summary containing college readiness data related to California State University (CSU) Early Assessment Program (EAP) status.
Purpose: Provide a list of students, state and national assessments scores, and their EAP status along with a summary per site. EAP status helps provide students a measure of their readiness for college-level English and mathematics in their junior year of high school, and to facilitate opportunities for them to improve their skills during their senior year. Visit for more details.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > College Readiness

Who is the intended audience?
Administrators, Teachers, Counselors
What data is reported?
Each student’s name, student ID, 11th grade SBAC ELA and Math performance levels, SAT English and Math scores, ACT English and Math scores, AP Language/Literature and AP Calculus or Statistics scores, EAP status calculated using CSU criteria, student counts, and percentages at each level for each subject.
How is the data reported?
Each student is listed individually with the SBAC, SAT, ACT, and AP scores (on availability) along with their calculated status. Students are listed by site with a summary following each roster. The last page contains the EAP criteria for each level.
Data Needed to Run Report
- ACT, SAT, and/or AP National Assessment data must be imported
- SBAC data for ELA and/or Math