The Transportation Report allows you to search for students that have transportation services within his/her published IEP that have enrollment AND a primary disability during the Start and End Dates selected in the filter options.
Where to Start
1. Click Reports.
2. Under Student, select Transportation Report.
Overview of Filter Options
1. Select the site from where the transportation information should pull from. Note: This defaults to Consortium.
2. Select the Resident District where the students are from. Note: This defaults to All Sites.
3. Select the Start Date from which the transportation report will pull ANY students with a primary disability, enrollment AND transportation services within his/her IEP.
4. Select the End Date from which the transportation report will pull ANY students with a primary disability, enrollment AND transportation services within his/her IEP. Note: This defaults to the current date.
5. Select Both to include ALL students. Select Yes to include ONLY Medicaid Eligible in the Transportation Report Results or No to include ONLY students who are not Medicaid Eligible in the Transportation Report Results. Note: The default is Both.
6. Select All to include all disability types in the Transportation Report Results or select a specific disability from the drop down. Note: The default is All.
7. Click submit.