This lesson will guide you through the creation of Tile Dashboard Layouts. This feature allows an Admin user, or anyone with the permission, to create tile layouts and push them out to select users using the same type of sharing permissions we have for assessments, custom reports, etc.
Required Permission: Push Tile Layouts to users, Administration Module
- Less is more - Don't overwhelm users with too many tiles, only those that are truly important to their role. Also, less is more not only for the end users, but also for you as Admin, you don’t want to be managing too many tile layouts.
- Tiles pushed out by an Admin will not overwrite tiles created by individual users. However, Admin created tiles will take precedence and appear at the top.
- Users can only delete tiles that have been shared if the permission “Can Customize” was checked, if the permission “Can View” was checked, then the tiles will be locked.
- We recommend staying away from sharing “time sensitive” tiles because that will lead to more management for you as Admin because it will need to be removed later on. Consider creating a more general tile that links to all the benchmark assessments instead of one specific assessment.
Where to Start
- Click on the Administration Gear.
- Under Other, select Tile Layouts.
Tile Layouts List
This is where all of the layouts you create will live. From this page you can:
- Create a New Layout.
- Click on the name of a layout to immediately edit it.
- Click Action to Edit, Share, or Delete the layout.
- Give the new layout a name.
- Click Add a New Tile.
Adding a Tile:
- Give the tile a Name.
- Select an icon for the tile.
- Select the URL you wish this tile to link to, this can be within DnA or an external link (i.e. District website, etc.).
- Give the tile a color.
- When this tile is clicked, do you want it to open in a new window? Check this box if so.
- You can also select pre-made System Tiles which are already linked to areas (i.e. Create an Assessment, List Assessments, etc.)
- Click Save when finished.
- If you would like to delete any tiles, simply click the trash can icon on the tile. To edit, click on the pencil icon. To re-order tiles, simply click and drag.
- Once you've added all the tiles you wish to add at this point, click Save Layout.
To share a layout, click Action > Share from the List page, then:
- Users the layout is already shared to display at the top of the page.
- Select who you wish to share with. You can share with single users, everyone, roles, grade levels, sites, etc. etc.
- Give these users the ability to:
- Can Customize- Allows users to customize colors, links, icons, and sort order for tile layout, but does not make changes to your original layout.
- Can View- Tile(s) will be made available for user's personal layout, but user cannot make edits to layout or tiles. User will be able to add additional tiles, but sort order will be maintained.
- Click Share.
Sharing a tile doesn't automatically share the resources that the tile contains. If linking to an assessment or report, please make sure that you've shared that resource as needed.
Next Steps
To learn more about Tiles, visit Customize Your Tile Dashboard.