This lesson describes how to report Initial IEP Components for Out of State Students with IEPs where the Initial IEP will not be completed as of Count Day. Note: The expectation is that a Permission to Place has been completed on the student.
1. For ISE ONLY sites click on Students. For ISE + DnA or ISI, click on Special Ed.
2. Under Current, select Student Status.
1. Select Student Status Edit.
1. Select, "Child moved into Michigan from another state with a current IEP" from the Referral Parental Consent drop down.
2. Select, "Student was evaluated and found eligible" from the drop down.
3. Enter a date to override student status. NOTE: This needs to be a date within the Current Count Window in order to override. Date Suggestions: Notice Date of Permission to Place Date or the Effective Date.
4. Select Save.
Where to Start
1. For ISE ONLY sites click on Students. For ISE + DnA or ISI, click on Special Ed.
2. Under MSDS, select Student Status.

1. Select Student Status Edit.
1. Select, "Child moved into Michigan from another state with a current IEP" from the Referral Parental Consent drop down.
2. Select, "Student was evaluated and found eligible" from the IEP Result drop down.
3. Enter a date to override student status. NOTE: This needs to be a date within the Current Count Window in order to override. Date Suggestions: Notice Date of Permission to Place Date or the Effective Date.
4. Select Save.
NOTE: You may want to add this information on the Student Status Page on the Current Side.