In this lesson, you will learn all about the Tile Dashboard. This dashboard was designed to give users quick access to the parts of the system that matter most to them.
What Does Each Tile Do?
Below you will find descriptions of each available tile depending on the modules enabled within your site. There are two types of tiles: System Area tiles and BYO (Build-Your-Own) Tiles, which use web addresses or URLs of your choice, within Illuminate or outside of Illuminate.
View Favorites will display a pop-up window of reports and assessments that have been marked as Favorites. Similar to the Dashboard Favorites widget, it will display only reports and assessments shared to you or created by you with the Favorites medal enabled. There are two types of favorites: District Favorites or My Favorites. You can use the buttons like a light switch, turning on and off which favorites you want to see, then click to open. Mark a report or assessment as a Favorite by clicking on the silver or gold stars in the top right corner of the report or assessment.
Search for a Student directs the user to Students > Student Search 2.0, to find a student. There are many ways to find a student to retrieve more information about them. The Student Search 2.0 tool is a great way to quickly find students, as well as begin learning how to create Custom Reports.
To learn more about searching for students, visit Search for a Student.
Create a New Assessment takes you to the Assessments > Create a New Assessment screen. You can quickly select which assessment you want to create and get started with a single click from the tile!
To learn more about creating assessments, visit the Assessment Basics manual.
View Assessments takes you to Assessments > View Assessments, where by using the appropriate tags and filters, you can find the assessment you wish to open.
To learn more about how to view and find assessments, visit the Find an Assessment chapter of lessons and videos.
Grade with Camera will take you to a list of your current non-web only assessments. You will click on the one you wish to grade, and will land on the Administration > Grade with Camera page. Scan away!
For more information on grading with a camera, see the help manual Grade with Camera.
Grade with Scanner will take you to a list of your current non-web only assessments. You will click on the one you wish to grade, and will land on the Administration > Grade with Scanner page. Here you will selet a file to import scores from.
For more information on grading with a scanner, see the help manual Grade with Scanner.
Illuminate Content directs users to Inspect's content information. This includes resources for Math and ELA, Science, and Quick Checks.
Enter/Edit Responses generates a list of all assessments. Clicking on the assessment takes the user to the Enter/Edit page.
For more information on manually entering scores, see the help document Enter and Edit Student Responses Manually in Flexible Assessments.
Give Test Online generates a list of assessments that can be administered online (non-print only). Clicking on the assessment takes the user to the online testing screen.
For more information on administering an assessment online, see the help document Online Testing Setup Using the Student Portal.
Live Proctoring generates a list of assessments that have open rosters/windows. Clicking the assessment opens the Live Proctoring screen. If there is only one notification, you will be taken directly to that assessment.
For more information on Live Proctoring scores, see the help document Live Proctoring.
Do you see the little red notification bubble on the tile above? If you have assessments shared to you with administration rights, have visibility to the students within that assessment, and there is an open online testing roster for an online administration you created, you will see a notification on the live proctoring tile (1 per assessment).
Constructed Responses generates a list of assessments containing student responses that have not yet been scored. Even if there is one student with one CR question that hasn’t been scored, the assessment will be included. If there is only one “notification”, you will be taken directly to that assessment. Once clicked, you will land on the Administration > Enter/Edit page.
For more information on grading constructed response items, visit Online Testing Administration.
Do you see the little red notification bubble on the tile above? That means there are assessments have have Constructed Response items that need to be graded (1 per assessment).
View Reports will direct you to Reports > List Reports, to quickly find and select a prebuilt or custom report you wish to view. The Reports List will only show reports that have been created by or shared to you as the user.
To learn more about reports, visit the Find a Prebuilt Report manual for additional lessons and videos.
The Create a Custom Report tile will direct you to Reports > Create a Custom Report. This path takes you to the very beginning of the custom report process, which tends to be for more advanced users. When using this tile, keep in mind that the next step after creating the title, tags, and a description, will be to Add Columns (aka adding data to the report). You must add Student ID's to see results in your report, or results will not display.
To learn more about using this Custom Report path, visit Get Started with Custom Reports.
Push to Gradebook takes you to the Push to Gradebook page for assessments that have student results, or have not yet been pushed to the gradebook. User must have permissions to gradebooks module.
For more information on pushing scores to a gradebook, see the help manual Linking Assessments to Gradebooks.
View Gradebooks will do one of two things:
- If you haven't created a Gradebook yet, it will direct you to create a one!
- If you have previously created Gradebooks, it will direct you to the Gradebook > My Gradebooks list.
If you need to learn more about using and creating Gradebooks, visit the Gradebook manual.
Take Attendance will direct a user to Attendance > By Class Roster, to quickly record students' attendance.
Add a New Tile provides users the ability to create their own bookmark or quick link within Illuminate and to pages outside of Illuminate. Copy the URL or web address you wish to create a new tile for. Then you can customize the tile for your dashboard.
Learn more about creating your own tile by visiting our Customize Your Tile Dashboard lesson.
Next Steps
Need to refresh your Tile Dashboard knowledge? Visit Customize Your Tile Dashboard.