Description: This is an abstract for the Multiple Assessment Growth Summary and Roster, which pulls student percent correct for a PRE and POST assessment and performs a calculation to determine a specific growth marker.
Purpose: To determine a student's growth in a subject through a PRE and POST assessment.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Multiple Assessment Growth Summary and Roster
State Availability: System-Wide, available for all States

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators.
What data is reported?
A list of students by name, ID, PRE assessment percent correct, POST assessment percent correct, growth calculation result and marker
Growth calculation: (POST - PRE) รท (100 - PRE)
For negative growth: PRE-POST
The growth calculation takes into account how far the student was from 100 in terms of growth.
How is the data reported?
Site/Teacher Comparison: Stacked bar charts showing percent of students at each growth level
Comprehensive/Site/Teacher Summary: Count of students and percent of students at each growth marker
Roster: Student ID, Student name (in alphabetical order by last name), percent correct for PRE and POST assessments, growth calculation result and marker

The comparison charts will appear if the report is grouped by Site or Teacher. There is no comparison available when Comprehensive is selected.