This lesson will walk through the different extracts available (minus the nightly extract options) for Michigan Special Education State Reporting.
This article explains the steps necessary to create a General Collection XML Extract from Illuminate. NOTE: This is a partial extract and should be merged with your SIS Data before reporting.
Where to Start: Click Students Tab (ISE Only Sites) or Special Ed (ISE/DnA/ISI Sites)-> MSDS Partial Extract
1. Select the District. Extracts CANNOT be pulled at the Consortium/ISD level. NOTE: If you pull at the building level some data may be missing as it is captured at the district level.
2. Select the MSDS Collection from the drop down options.
3. Select Yes if you would like to include Early Childhood Assessment Fields (COSF). Select No if you would not like the file to include Early Childhood Assessment Fields.
4. Click Submit.
Download the MSDS Partial Extract
Click on the hyperlink to download the extract.
1. There may be a delay between the time you clicked submit and when the file will be ready for download. You can refresh your page or check back after a few minutes to retrieve the file.
2. Depending on which internet browser you are using (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.), you may be prompted to download a file. At that time, note the name and location of the file for future retrieval.
This explains the steps necessary to complete the Special Ed Extract or a .tab delimited Extract for Illuminate Special Education.
Please Note: This is not a complete MSDS Extract. It only contains the fields for the Special Education Component. This file is not intended for direct submission; rather, it is intended to be merged with data from the district's SIS. This process can be automated, done manually, or via third party software (i.e., Macomb Error Checker). For more information please contact your SIS admin or send us an e-mail at
Where to Start: Click Students Tab (ISE Only Sites) or Special Ed (ISE/DnA/ISI Sites) -> Spec Ed Extract
1. Select the District. Extracts CANNOT be pulled at the Consortium/ISD level. NOTE: If you select a building, some data may be missing as this gathered at the District Level.
2. Enter the Start Date. The Start Date should be the first day of the count period (the day after the previous count day). NOTE: For Early On this would be July 1st for Fall Count.
3. The End Date will equal the date of the most recent time capsule data pull.
4. Select Yes if you would like to include Early Childhood Assessment Fields (COSF). Select No if you would not like the file to include Early Childhood Assessment Fields.
5. Select Yes to download a .tab delimited extract. Otherwise, it will populate within Illuminate and you have the options to download this as Excel, PDF or .tab delimited or XML.
6. TO RUN AN ERROR REPORT SELECT YES. Otherwise, select No.
NOTE: IF you select Yes, a file will not be generated. Instead, an error report will be created. This error report will help you to identify whether there are inconsistencies or missing pieces in your extract. There will be additional help documentation provided for generating and interpreting an error report.
7. Click Submit.
1. To download the report via Excel, PDF, tab delimited or XML use the options available here.
Note: Be sure to note the name and location of the file for future retrieval.
1. The Error/Warning Column shows the type of error(s) along with a hyperlink to the appropriate area(s) within THE TIME CAPSULE that may require data.
TIP: Hold down the Control key while clicking on the hyperlink (wording in blue font) to open up a new tab. For MAC users hold down the Command key.
- Be sure to pull a new Time Capsule if you have made any changes as long as it is BEFORE the end of Count Day.
- There should not be another Time Capsule Pull completed once the last one is pulled on Count Day until your Count is certified.
For more information on how to "scrubbing your data" using the Error Report please go to:
This report was designed specially for Skyward SIS Users to ensure the required data is added in order to import data back into Skyward. The purpose of the report is provide the errors that need to be corrected in order to import back into Skyward. Note: This report will produce all the results that an actual extract will produce as well as list out any errors/warnings encountered. The error report provides links and information for correcting problems
Where to Start: Go to Reports->Skyward Extract Report
NOTE: You will need to have the permission "View the Skyward Extract Report".
1. Select the site.
2. Select the Time Context (either Current or MSDS).
3. Select the Academic Year.
4. Select the Start Date (for Sites that have Early On, the start date for Fall should be 7/1/__.)
5. Select the End Date (for Count select, the appropriate Count Day, otherwise you can select the date your are populating the report.)
6. Select Yes to show the Report Results.
7. Select Yes to show the Report Errors.
8. Click Submit.
Above is a sample of the Skyward Extract Report.
Below is a list of Warnings/Error(s) for the Skyward Extract Report:
Fatal Errors (Missing Eval/IEP Data)
Error: The student had a primary disability and current enrollment during the report date range, but didn't have any valid Evaluations or IEPs for the enrollment date range. *NO* data for this student can be extracted for this district until this fatal error is resolved. Please check REEDs, IEPs, Permission to Places, Historical Evaluation Dates and Historical IEP Dates in order to locate the missing data. Note: A valid Evaluation and IEP for the date range must be in the system in order for the data to successfully import into Skyward.
Other Errors/Warnings
WARNING: Site ID# Student Name (Student UIC) : Auto adjusted placement 194 start date for Skyward compatibility. Changed from 01/27/2015 to 01/28/2015 to match IEP date.
This warning occurs when the programs/services are manually entered and the start dates are before the IEP start date. The Skyward extract uses the start date of the IEP for these placements so that data will successfully import into Skyward.
NOTE: The actual start date for the programs/services does not get modified by the extract. It simply uses the IEP start date for the extract data as having dates that do not match an IEP start date is not necessarily bad data in ISE (i.e., placements can come from a Permission to Place, IFSPs, or some other process and are perfectly legitimate).
No action is required for this warning. The data being extracted should successfully import into Skyward. Users may review and check on these warning and make manual adjustments to programs/services if one would like to.
CRITICAL: Student Name (Student UIC): Missing district site ID
It means the extract could not determine the proper district site ID for the student and this is very unlikely to show up. This critical error will prevent some data from being imported into Skyward. Data to check to resolve the error follows:
1.) Student enrollment
2.) Site Management: A "District" or "ISD" site type should exist in the site hierarchy for the school building where the student is enrolled.
CRITICAL: Site ID# Student Name (Student UIC): Please enter a valid UIC for the student in student demographics
This critical error will prevent some data from being imported into Skyward. The UIC will need to be entered into the system as the error describes.
CRITICAL: Site ID# Student Name (Student UIC): Missing Evaluation Start Date : Please close any REEDs or enter correct date Historical Eval Dates
This error is typically caused when a new student enters a district and an IEP is completed, but the historical Evaluation Date is not in the system (i.e., evaluation was completed out of county). Skyward will not accept any IEP data unless an applicable Evaluation date exists for the student. Users can resolve as the error describes. That is by completing/closing open REEDs or entering a proper Historical Evaluation Date (i.e., an Eval date earlier than the IEP date).
CRITICAL: Site ID# Student Name (Student UIC) : Missing IEP Start Date : Please publish IEPs/Permission to Place process or enter an IEP date in Historical IEP Dates
This error is typically caused when users manually enter Special Education data like a primary disability or programs/services and do not enter an IEP date (a Skyward requirement for Special Ed data). The issue can be resolved as the error describes.
CRITICAL: Site ID# Student Name (Student UIC) : Missing Educational Setting
This error is caused when the student is missing a Primary Educational Setting value (LRE code). Entering the proper code in student demographics will resolve the issue.