This article provides the general steps involved for setting up and cleaning up data for SE state reporting components.
1. Hold and publish initial IEPs/IFSPs and IEPs on or before count day.
2. Suggested process for Count:
a) Set up the MSDS Collection Configuration.
b) Starting approximately a month or so before Count Day (or when you are done with the previous Count period) begin pulling a Time Capsule everyday.
c) Days leading up to count: Review your errors via the Error Reports and make any corrections/add missing data on the Illuminate CURRENT side. Then, complete a new Time Capsule Data Pull and run your Error Reports again to find additional errors. Continue this process until all of your data is error free.
d) ON THE DAY OF COUNT: Pull the final Time Capsule (often districts pull this after five p.m. BUT before midnight as this must be pulled on the day of count and not after.) YOU SHOULD NOT PULL ANOTHER TIME CAPSULE UNTIL AFTER CERTIFICATION is completed with MSDS.
e) AFTER THE DAY OF COUNT: Review your errors and make any corrections/add missing data, etc. on both the MSDS Side (TIME CAPSULE side) AND the Current side. (Note: Most of the blue links in the MSDS Error report will take you to the MSDS side (Time Capsule) unless the data is such that it can be edited in Current). Please remember: DO NOT PULL A NEW TIME CAPSULE AFTER COUNT DAY until certification is complete for this State Reporting Period.
f) Once the data is ready there are various options for extracting the data. This includes a tab delimited or an XML file using the Partial MSDS Extract or using the SE Extract. Skyward Users: IF IMPORTING BACK into Skyward be sure to complete the Skyward specific needs & use the Skyward Extract Report.
XML: If using attendance module for your centered based programs this file type will contain this.
Tab Delimited: Please note this file only contains SE components and that you will need to combine it with your SIS.
Note: If you do a nightly export of ISE data this process will assist with “cleaning up the data”.
Start Dates for Count:
1. Fall: This should be the First Day of School (if no Early On Students). If there are Early On Students this should be July 1.
2. Spring: The day right after Fall Count.
3. End of Year (EOY): The day right after Spring Count.
On Partial MSDS Extract if you would like a list of students that you will be reporting, just add the start date and site and click submit--leave the rest of the fields in the MSDS Report alone.
1. Go to to,4546,7-113-986_50502_53580---,00.html to determine the CEPI schema for the applicable Count. Once here go to the General Collection's Technical Materials and find the appropriate Count Schema Summary. In the Schema Summary you will need to collect:
a) The Minor Version or Major Version # (I.E., 1 or 2) (Spring 2018 is 1))
b) The Collection ID # (I.E., Spring 2018’s is 194)
2. Log into Illuminate and go to Spec Ed-> MSDS Collection Configuration (this will take you to the Time Capsule Collection (List).
3. Click Add at the bottom of the table.
1. Select the Collection Name from the drop down.
2. Enter the Academic Year. NOTE: This should be the year on the last day of school.
3. Input the schema version number. NOTE: This number comes from the MSDS General Collection Schema.
4. Enter the Collection ID. NOTE: This ID comes from the MSDS General Collection Schema.
5. Input the Enrollment Start Date. NOTE: If you are or use Early On or someone in your ISD uses Illuminate for Count for Early On, set your Enrollment Start Date to 7/1/__ instead of the start of the school year.
1. Using the date picker select the Count Start Date.
2. Select the Count Type from the drop down.
3. Keep as "no" in order to capture students who have exited special education.
4. Select Data Pull.
Note: Do not pull another Time Capsule after you have pulled the FINAL one on the Day of Count until after you have submitted to MSDS.
Please click the link below to learn how to access and use the Early On Error Report/Early On Date Preview Table:
Please click the link below to learn how to access and use the Special Education Error Report:
Please click on the link below for Extract Options:
Where to Start: Go to Spec Ed-> MSDS/Student FTE
On the Student's MSDS FTE Details Page go to the bottom of the page and select Click here to exclude this student from counts.
Note: Best practice is to keep a list/documentation of those students that have been excluded as this field is not in custom reports.
1. Select Yes for Exclude student from district count.
2. Click Save.
Note: This will exclude the student from all state reporting until this is turned off.
Where to Start: Go to Spec Ed->MSDS/Worksheet A/B.
1. Select Section 52 or Section 53.
2. Select the District site from the dropdown.
3. OPTIONAL: Enter Provider Last Name and/or Provider First Name.
4. Click Load. This will create the Worksheets as PDFs to download, etc.
Note: FTE pulls at the District Level ONLY.
Additional Resources such as FTE Overview, LRE/Instructional Setting, etc.
Please find the links to FTE resources below:
1. General FTE Information:
2. Update/Change FTE for a building
3. Update/Change FTE for a student
- For 0-3 students who are special education eligible and receiving ESCE home (R340.1862) s/he should have birth-2 FTE AS LONG AS THEY ARE going to be receiving .4 FTE or greater. Otherwise, IF they are receiving less than the 72 hours select the zero FTE.
- For 3-5 year olds who are in ESCE classroom they should have FTE 3-5
- For nonpublic students who are just receiving speech, for example, you can select either
Services Only OR Zero FTE
Please click on the link below to view the LRE/Instructional Setting lesson: