In this lesson you will review how to search and find reports available to you.
Where to Start

- Click on the Reports tab.
- Click View Reports.
View Reports Overview
- Use Filters to refine your list by Authors, Report Type, Audience, or Categories.
- Use the Search Bar and enter keywords or phrases.
- Choose from the Image View and List View.
- To open and view a report, select Run.
- Select More Options to Share, Duplicate, or Delete.
- To mark a report as a Personal Favorite, select the star icon.
- To mark a report as a District Favorite, select the school icon.
- Use Sort By options to quickly sort results.
- Need a list to download? Select Download to generate a list of reports.
- Can't find what you are looking for? Reset your filters and start over.
Using the List View
Select the List View to see a list of reports based on your search criteria or selected filters.
- Click on the title of the report to run or open it.
- The type of report is labeled here such as Custom or Prebuilt.
- An Actions Menu is available to Duplicate, Share, Edit, or Delete the report, pending permissions to do any of the actions highlighted in bold.
- Select the image view to see thumbnail images of reports available to you.
Views are sticky! If you were on the image view and came back into your account later, View Reports will remain on the image view.
Using Filters
- Using Filters such as Me will refine the list to only reports you have created
- Others will show reports that have been created by other Illuminators.
- Shared to Me are reports that someone has shared to you as a user.
By Report Type

- Search and find reports by Report Type such as Favorites to only see reports you have marked or that have been marked as a Favorite.
- Prebuilt Reports are created and provided by DnA.
- Custom Reports are reports you or another user made.
By Audiences

- Filtering by Audience refers to the group of users and reports that most support their role and information they want to view.
- For example, select Front Office Staff to see Attendance, Registration, Behavior reports or Teachers to see reports that may be more focused on Class Rosters.
By Category

- Filter by Categories will provide a list of reports by tools or modules such as Assessments, Attendance, Gradebook.
- These are pre-categorized by DnA and work for Prebuilt Reports only.
Next Steps
Start exploring prebuilt reports before making your own. Take a look at Student List/Labels/Profile Report to practice running prebuilt reports.