This article will walk through the fields that push from a process and what fields will need to have data entered in manually for State Reporting purposes.

Note: All fields can be manually add/edited. The goal of this resource it to show/share if the field's data is created/updated based on a process, etc.
1. Ensure you are looking at the district where the Initial Evaluation/IEP is taking place in.
2. Referral Parent Consent Date is a hand entry field due to the different options available such as:
3. IEP Result is a hand entry field due to the Parent/Guardian needing to provide consent.
4. Number of Days Past Consent/Extension Date is a hand entry field due to the possibility of having more than one extension, etc.
5. The Evaluation Plan Date will push to this field once the REED is published.
6. The Parental Consent Date will push to this field as soon as it is enter/saved on the Key Data Page within the REED process.
7. Early On Transition Timeliness is a field that is used by Part C/MMSE student transitioning to Part B and is a hand entry field.
8. The Status Override Data field is used in situations where a new student is an out of state with an IEP and the Initial IEP will not completed before Count Day and is a hand entry field.

Note: All fields can be manually add/edited. The goal of this resource it to show/share if the field's data is created/updated based on a process, etc.
1. The Referral Date is a hand entry field to document the date the referral was received by the district and thus begins the ten day window.
2. Previous IEP Date will push the date from the Current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) Date field IF another IEP is published in Illuminate.
3. Date of Current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is updated/created when an IEP is published and/or if a Permission to Place has been published.
4. The Type of Plan field is updated/created based on the last published process within Illuminate (IEP/IFSP/Non Public Service Plan).
5. First IEP Completed in Illuminate is an FYI ONLY field that will show the date for the first IEP that was published in Illuminate.
6. Most Recent Initial/Reeval IEP Date is updated/created when an Initial or Reevaluation IEP is published and/or if a Permission to Place has been published.
7. The Assignment Start Date is updated/created when an IEP is published and/or if a Permission to Place has been published.
8. The MET Date is created/updated when a REED is published that required a MET and a MET was created within the REED process.
9. The IEP Signature on File (date signed) is a hand entry field to reflect the date the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) signed Consent for the Initial Provision of Services.
10. The Initial IFSP Date is created/updated when an Initial IFSP is published within Illuminate.