The Mass Role Assignment tool is used to assign multiple users a role, site(s), and role affiliations at once. This allows districts to avoid creating assignments for users individually; saving them time. This lesson guides users through using the Mass Role Assignment tool and reverting a Mass Role Assignment
Required Permission: Manage System Permissions
Search for Users
- Use the filters at the top of the list of users to narrow down the search of users.
- Select Filter Table to display results based on the selected filters.
- Use the checkboxes to select one or more users to assign site and role affiliations to. The checkbox at the top of the table selects all users on the page.
- User Select All to select all users that apply to the search results. The total number of users this impacts displays at the bottom. In this example, Select All applies to 17 users.
It is recommended that the Currently Active and Has Current Site/Role filters are used and not left blank.
Assign a Role
- If needed, select additional users by entering their name. Already selected users do not appear in this space.
- Select the Role needed for the selected users. Only one role may be added at a time.
- Select a Site the users are assigned to with the chosen role. More than one site may be selected.
- Select the Academic Year in which the role should be assigned to.
- Select the Terms the role needs to be assigned to. Choose Select All if the role applies to the entire school year to automatically add all available terms at once.
- Select Add Roles to apply the role to the selected user(s).
- A pop-up appears for confirmation. Select OK to add the roles or Cancel to review the selections again.
- After selecting OK, the number of role updates made appears in a green banner at the top of the page.
Next Steps
To learn more about users, visit User Management.