This article will walk you through the five required data components in order to correctly report the Initial IFSP Component per MSDS for the following Initial IFSP Result Codes of: (05) Eligible for Part C Only - Part C services declined, 06) Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed both Part C services and Special Ed services declined and (07) Not eligible for services.
- Use Search to locate the student that requires the Initial IFSP Component.
- Navigate to the Initial IFSP Page (current) if adding data BEFORE Count Day is over. NOTE: AFTER COUNT DAY has passed you will need to ensure the data has been entered on both the Initial IFSP Page (current) AND Initial IFSP Page (MSDS).
Select Initial IFSP (Edit).
1. Use the Date Picker or enter the date of the Referral.
2. Select the Referral Source from the dropdown.
3. Select the Timeliness from the dropdown list.
FYI: Per CEPI's guidance for the IFSP Results of 05, 06 or 07 for IFSP Timeliness: Apply the appropriate code relative to the completion of the evaluation and determination of eligibility/ineligibility.
4. Select the appropriate IFSP Result Code from the dropdown of either:
(05) Eligible for Part C Only - Part C services declined
(06) Eligible for both Part C and Special Ed both Part C services and Special Ed services declined
(07) Not eligible for services.
5. Select Save.
Navigate to the Important Dates Page (current) if adding data BEFORE Count Day is over. NOTE: AFTER COUNT DAY has passed you will need to ensure the data has been entered on both the Important Dates Page (current) AND Important Dates Page (MSDS).
Select Edit Important Dates.
1. Use Date Selector or enter the date within the Initial IFSP Date Field.
FYI Per CEPI's guidance: The date that services were declined, or the child was determined as ineligible (as documented in Prior Written Notice).
2. Select Save.