Districts will now be able to update the DRA reports each year, starting in the 2023-2024 school year. This allows districts to update and access their DRA reports as soon as they've completed the configuration process.
New Report Requirements
The following information is required in order to set up the new DRA reports:
- The number of DRA administrations and performance levels. The BI reports support up to 10 administrations and 3 or 4 performances levels.
- The name of each administration. Usually Fall, Winter, and Spring, but can be different depending on the number of administrations and is based on the district's preference.
- The performance levels and cut points for each administration per grade level within an Excel file.

- Open Assessments > View Assessments.
- Select the Summary Assessment for an administration of the current year.
- Select Advanced.
- Select Duplicate Repository.
- Select Ok.
- Select “Copy of…” link in the green banner at top of screen.
- Select the Information tab.
- Remove “Copy of” from title and add the updated school year.
- Set Local Id to: dra_YYYY_admin1. (format required)
- For example, “dra_2024_admin1” or “dra_2024_admin2” etc.
- Always use the END YEAR of the academic year. (i.e. “2021–2022” academic year = 2022)
- MUST have a NUMBER after “admin”
If the Local Id is not set properly, the reports will not work.
- Select Save.
Repeat these steps until you have a new Summary Assessment for each administration.
After the report has been created, districts will need to upload the DRA data. There should be a summary assessment for each administration.
These will be titled in the form “YYYY-YY DRA X Administration” or “YYYY-YY DRA X Administration - [Administration Name]”. For example 2022-23 DRA 1 Administration, or 2022-23 DRA 1 Administration - Fall
Districts will need to enter or upload data for each of the Summary Assessments that correspond to the administrations.
These summary assessments will initially only be shared with Illuminate System Administrators. If other users should also enter data, ensure setting changes have been updated.
After Summary Assessment have been created and data has been uploaded, the reports should work automatically.
This file only needs to be completed once, unless cutpoints are changed in the future.
- Download the dra_cutpoints_blank_template.csv file.
- For each administration/grade level/performance level, enter the appropriate floor and ceiling value. The values should all be integers. If you are using the “A” score, replace the A with zero in this csv file.
- Submit this file, along with the other information (# of administrations & names of administrations) to the DnA Support team. The new DRA report will be created as soon as we can, and you will be contacted when it is finished being created.
Delete any rows that are not used. For example, if only grades K-5 are tested, delete all the rows for grades 6-8. Or, if there are only 3 performance levels, delete all the rows for performance level 4.