When enrolling a student you may need to create an enrollment for a student at multiple sites.
Where to Start

1. Click Students.
2. Enrollment History.
Click New Enrollment.

1. Enter the student's enrollment site, date and select Yes or No if a district transfer.
2. Click Next.

3. Click Allow concurrent enrollment, then click Next.

5. Check the Primary School as the original site that the student was enrolled at. Click Next.

6. Select the student's Grade Level and Enrollment Program. Review the information entered for the student and click Submit.

If the student is still currently enrolled at another site you will see a yellow bar with the name of the school site where they are enrolled. In most instances dual enrollment is not the norm. A student will need to be un-enrolled by the current site prior to proceeding.
Note: Best practice would be for the site the student is enrolled to come through from your Student Information System versus entering this in Illuminate.