Assessment Data Imports
Michigan: ACCESS
A new Assessment Data Import is now available for ACCESS 2022-2023.
Mass Role Assignment: FAST_CLASSROOM_USER

Admins can now mass assign the FAST_CLASSROOM_USER role to teachers in Mass Role Assignment. Take a look at Mass Assign FAST_CLASSROOM_USER Role to Teachers to learn more.
Illuminate Special Education (ISE)
Revision of the IFSP Prior Written Notice PDF

The IFSP Prior Written Notice PDF has been revised. The changes are as follows:
- Intro section - Additions and revisions have been added to the wording - "and to help you be part of the decision-making process. The intent is to provide notice of the action(s) and reason(s) being proposed or not selected for your child and a reminde of your procedural safeguards."
- Reasons - individual Reasons sections have been added under each area to replace the single section that previously appeared at the bottom of the document.
- Other Checkbox - An "Other" checkbox has been added to each Reasons section to replace the single section that previously appear at the bottom of the document.
- Family Rights/Procedural Safeguards - Email address updated to
- Notification Method - revised to Provided to parent via mail.