This lesson covers how to edit a student's demographic details in the DnA system.
Where to Start
1. Click Students.
2. Under General, click Demographic Details.
Find a Student
Enter search criteria for the student whose contact(s) you wish to access. You may get as specific or general as you like (1), click search (2), If your search renders more than 1 student, find the student you want and click his or her name (3).
Select and Edit Data
1. Any student information in white boxes represents populated data that is allowed to be edited.
2. Any GRAY boxes represent data that is not yet populated that can be edited.
Note: Any boxes that have a lock icon means that data is not allowed to be edited.
Once you are done editing, press the Enter button after each edit to save all changes or click the Save button.
Next Steps
You might be interested in viewing other lessons within the "Students" Help manual.