This lesson describes how to navigate the IEP Wizard Quick Navigation menu. Descriptions of the links and helpful hints are provided to assist with seamless navigation.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help.
This lesson also requires that you have added an invitation. For more information on how to add an invitation, see the "Create an Invitation" lesson in this manual.
Note: This lesson is only intended to guide you through the IEP Wizard Quick Navigation menu of an Eligible IEP. While some of the steps for completing an Ineligible IEP are similar or perhaps identical to those in an Eligible IEP, for more information on completing an IEP for a student ineligible for special education services please consult the "IEP Wizard Quick Navigation Menu (Ineligible)" lesson in the "Complete an Ineligible IEP" manual.
Where to Start
To create an Invitation click on Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"

Note: Don't panic if you do not see all of the links on your screen as in the shot above! Each successive link will only appear when the requisite (i.e. previous) section has been completed. For example, the IEP Wizard Invitation Print link will only appear once the IEP Wizard Invitation Participants section has been completed, which will, in turn, only appear once the IEP Wizard Invitation section has been completed.
Clicking on the links will allow access to each respective portion of an eligible IEP.
IEP Wizard Invitation
Select purpose of IEP Team meeting and document setting information.
IEP Wizard Invitation Participants
Enter IEP participant information (e.g. District Representative, Parent, Special Education Teacher, MET Representative, etc.).
IEP Wizard Invitation Print
Print Invitations for IEP Team meetings.
IEP Wizard Parental Attendance
Indicate whether a parent was in attendance for a minor child or if the student is 18 years old.
IEP Wizard Participants
Document attendance for the IEP Team meeting as well as add additional IEP participants not previously invited.
IEP Wizard Primary Eligibility
Select primary eligibility determination.
IEP Wizard Secondary Eligibility
Select secondary eligibility.
IEP Wizard Strengths and Needs
Describe student strengths, input parental concerns, add/edit evaluation types, and indicate demonstrated needs.
IEP Wizard Transition Plan Invitation Information
Invite an outside agency, indicate whether the student was invited and his/her attendance.
IEP Wizard Transition Goal Details
Input and/or edit transition goals; add, edit, and/or remove activities related to completing transition goals, indicate the person(s) responsible for completing the activities, and detemine the timeline for completion of transition activities.
IEP Wizard Course of Study
Indicate whether the student's course of study will lead to a high school diploma or certificate of completion.
IEP Wizard Student Rights
Indicate whether the student and/or his/her parents were informed of their rights. This section also contains a field to input a court ordered guardian, if applicable.
IEP Wizard Goal Details
Create, edit, and/or delete IEP goals and short term objectives.
IEP Wizard Progress Reports
Select whether progress reports will be sent to parents at regular intervals.
IEP Wizard LRE Questions
Select whether the student will participate with non-disabled peers, whether he/she will be fully involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum, and whether he/she will have the same opportunity as general education students to participate in non-academic extra curricular activities.
IEP Wizard Supplemental Aids/Services Need List
Add, edit, and/or delete supplemental aids/services.
IEP Wizard Program/Service Details
Add, edit, and/or delete programs/services.
IEP Wizard State Assessment Details
Indicate which portion(s) of the state assessment the student will participate, as well as, add, edit, and/or delete accommodations to each respective portion of the state assessment, if applicable.
IEP Wizard District Wide Assessment
Add, edit, and/or delete district-wide assessment(s), as well as, indicate any accommodations provided to the student for the district-wide assessment.
IEP Wizard Transportation
Describe transportation needs (i.e. time, codes, provider, type) and services (i.e. medical condition exists, lift with wheelchair required, seat belt, bus assistant, alternate stop, etc.).
IEP Wizard Nonpublic School Questions
Indicate whether the student's parents have elected to enroll the student in a nonpublic school.
IEP Wizard Follow Up Details
Select who is responsible for implementing the IEP/Service Coordinator, the implementation site, beginning date of the IEP, ending date of the IEP, and whether a dissenting report is attached.
IEP Wizard Notice
Indicate other considerations, resident district statements, additional sources to assist parents in understanding their rights, and how parents were informed of the content of the IEP.
IEP Wizard Publish