Are you seeing this error in your MSDS Extract Error Report
"Error Field 42/43: Program/Service Code: Field 36: Primary Disability is not blank and both Field 42 Program Service Code and Field 43 Support Services are blank. (Primary Disability: 10) (Programs: ) (Services: )"
In these cases you are reporting that there is a current IEP written near the end of the year with programs/services that don't start until the following school year.
Based on State and Federal law this is a perfectly appropriate procedure/practice when mutually agreed upon by the parents and the IEP team.
The crux of the problem has been with state reporting and MSDS requirements/clarification.
Rather than changing the dates of the programs/services in Illuminate to align with the start date of the IEP, to solve the problem with errors in MSDS for these students we recommend either:
- manually inputing the programs/services that will start in the fall directly into MSDS or
- editing the .tab delimited file that is extracted from Illuminate before importing into your SIS (if you are merging with the Macomb Error Checker you can also manually edit the field in the Macomb Error Checker).