This lesson is intended to walk users through editing the target date in Progress Reports.
This feature will remain open until Christmas break after which we will, once again, restrict the ability to edit the Target Value in Progress Reports outside of an IEP.
If you have any additional questions please contact your system administrator.
Where to Start
After searching for a student, Click Special Ed-> IEP Details.
Click the "Select Action" drop-down next to the current IEP.
Select "Progress Report Edit"
Editing the Target Value
To edit the Target Value:
1. Input the Target Value (Must be a decimal e.g., 1, 2, 3, 0.5, 2.4, etc. Symbols and words are not accepted e.g., %, wpm, etc.)
2. Click Save.
Next Steps
You should check each student on your caseload to ensure that the Target Value has been set for each Short Term Objective.
You should only need to input the Target Value for IEPs that were published prior to September 2012 and had not already had a Target Value from a previous reporting period.