This lesson describes how to complete add student strengths to the IEP. Student strengths are directly tied to the student's Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance as well as to any goals and objectives that will be written for this student.
This lesson requires that you have selected a student and are viewing a single student's record. If you are unsure how to locate a student, see the "Find a Student" lesson in the "Students" manual for help.
This lesson also requires that you have added an invitation and indicated parental/participant attendance. For more information on how to add an invitation and participant information see the, "Create an IEP Invitation" chapter in this manual. For more information on how to input parental and participant attendance see the, "Complete Ineligible IEP" chapter in this manual.
Where to Start
To add and/or edit Student Strengths go to Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"

From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Strengths and Needs Page.
Add a Student Strength

Click the Add link.
Note: Clicking the Add link will automatically open a new page with a required field in which a student strength, with respect to his/her area of eligibility, must be input.

1. In a positive fashion, describe the student's strength with respect to his/her area of eligibility in the provided field.
2. If this is the only strength being addressed by this IEP or the last strength being addressed by this IEP click the Save button. If you wish to add additional student strengths to be addressed by this IEP click the Save and Add button.
Note: Student Strengths can also be thought of as areas of need for the student. Because IDEA and State rules require that ALL IEPs be strength-based, indicate the area in which the student requires additional supports by creating a positively worded statement of need for the student's strength For example: "Norah is continuing to improve her adaptive skills; however, she continues to struggle dressing herself independently." ALL strengths listed in this section of the IEP are referenced later in the IEP process when goals and objectives are addressed. So, keep in mind, if you are planning on writing a goal and objectives for a particular area it MUST be entered in the Student Strength section of the IEP.
Edit and/or Delete Student Strength(s)
After clicking the Save button on the Student Strengths Add screen, you will automatically be returned to the IEP Wizard Strengths and Needs Page and a green dialogue box indicating, "Student strength saved successfully" will appear at the top of the Strengths and Needs Page.
Depending on your user permissions you may now do the following to your Student Strengths.
1. Edit student strengths.
2. View student strengths in a read-only format.
3. Delete student strength.
Next Steps

You are now ready to complete the Parental Input/Concerns section of the IEP.
For more information on how to address parental input or concerns see the, "Add and/or Edit Parent Input/Concerns" lesson in this manual.