Where to Start
To create an Invitation click on Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"
From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Strengths and Needs Page.
Add and/or Edit Demonstrated Needs (i.e. Extended School Year)
Click the Add/Edit link.
Note: Clicking the Add/Edit link will automatically open the IEP Demonstrated Needs page.
In the Demonstrated Needs section of the Strengths and Needs Page click the Green Plus Icon next to Extended School Year.
1. Select Student is eligible for extended school year.
2. Select Student is not eligible for extended school year.
Note: If you select Option #1 above, continue to the next step in this lesson. If you select Option #2 above, proceed to the Next Steps section at the end of this lesson.
IF Student is Eligible for ESY
1. Click Yes or No to indicate rationale for providing Extended School Year programming.
2. In the provided field, using baseline data, enter a description of the demonstrated need.
3. By selecting Yes, indicate the area(s) in the IEP for which Extended School Year programming must be addressed (i.e. Supplemental Aids/Services, Goals/Objectives, etc.).
4. Click Save.
Next Steps
Once you have successfully completed the Demonstrated Need section of the Extended School Year Area you are ready to proceed to the next step in the IEP process.
Click the Done button to return to the IEP Wizard Strengths and Needs Page. From here you may add, edit, or delete Student Strengths, Parental Input/Concerns, Evaluation Types, and/or Demonstrated Needs.
For more information on how to complete the Strengths and Needs Page see the, "Strengths, Parent Input/Concerns, Evaluation Types, and Demonstrated Needs" chapter in this manual.