This article is intended as a guide to the electronic IFSP in Illuminate. System navigation and functionality will be described, along with basic hints and tips for completing an IFSP in Illuminate.
Where to Start
1. Click Special Ed.
2. Click IFSP Details.
3. Click Add New Process.
Initiate IFSP
1. Input the IFSP Date by typing the date in the field or by clicking the Date Picker Icon.
2. Click the radial dial to indicate the IFSP Purpose. Note: You can select more than one Purpose for an IFSP. If you select Initial, a new screen will populate asking your for the Referral Date and Referral Source. Note: The system will add the IFSP Date automatically if the radial dial is selected. There is no need to enter a date UNLESS you are adding previous Annual Dates as this will override the IFSP Meeting Date.
3. Input the appropriate Date(s) for any previously completed IFSP Process not completed in Illuminate. Note: This information will automatically populate from any previously created IFSPs in Illuminate that used the newest IFSP version. The date(s) from any previous IFSP processes completed in Illuminate (where the new IFSP was used) with show up beside the appropriate process. Note: Clicking on the radial dial to add a check mark will notify the system that this is also a Purpose for the IFSP.
4. Click the checkbox to indicate Areas of Consideration for Eligibility Including: Initial/Continued/No longer eligible. Note: In order for the Eligibility Page to print with the IFSP this will need to be completed. This means if you were considering MMSE and the child is not eligible for MMSE you will need to select "Special Education". In addition, IF you are doing an IFSP for a student who is NO LONGER eligible, you will need to select the areas that they were eligible in before in order for the correct data to show.
5. From the drop down select the Service Coordinator, input the Service Coordinator Telephone, and select the Providing Agency from the drop-down.
6. Click Next Step to continue or Cancel to quit.
Input Meeting Information
The following steps are intended to assist you with completing the Meeting Information page.
1. From the drop down select the Host Site.
2. Input the Date/Time of the IFSP Meeting.
3. In the text bot input the Meeting Location.
Invited Participants
1. In the text box type begin typing the Participant Name and click on his/her name from the drop down list. Note: Service Coordinator and Parent/Guardian, are auto-complete fields. Please contact your system Administrator if an expected name is not available. In addition, the Parent/Guardian should be the person who will be signing any documents.
2. Input participant's Telephone.
3. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether the participant Is Present, Is Confidential, Needs Interpreter, and Interpreter Provided.
Other Participants
1. From the drop down menu, select the Participant Type/Role. In the text box, begin typing the Participant Name and click on his/her name from the drop down list. Note: Roles are auto-complete fields. Please contact your System Administrator if an expected name is not available. Note: Any other parent/guardian who will not be signing documents should be added as "Use Other Role". Any other participant(s) not in the predefined roles should be added as "Use Other Role".
2. Input participant's Telephone.
3. Input the participant's Title in the text box.
4. Click Add Participant.
5. Click the appropriate radio button to indicate whether the participant Is Present, and is Confidential.
Parent Contact
1. In the Contact By field type the name of the person who attempted to contact the family. Note: This is an auto-complete field. Begin typing the name of person who contacted the family and click his/her name from the list that appears.
2. Type the method by which contact was attempted.
3. Input the Contact Date in the field provided. Note: The system requires two contacts.
4. Indicate whether the parent consented to the evaluation.
5. Indicate whether the child was available.
6. Use this text box to provide a justification in the event that the parent did not consent or the child was unavailable.
7. Click the Next Step button to proceed to the Authorization to Share section of the IFSP process.
Hint: The Save and Print, Next Step, and any/all Save buttons save ALL of the information on the Meeting Information page.
Next Steps
Once you have successfully completed the Meeting Information page, you are ready to fill out the Developmental Status Details page.
For additional help you can reach our support team via e-mail at or by telephone at (517) 224-4499.