This lesson is intended as a guide to adding an Interview to an IFSP in Illuminate.
Where to Start
To start an IFSP click Special Ed tab-> IFSP Details-> Pencil Icon (next to desired IFSP)-> Wizard Quick Navigation-> Interview Details-> Create an Interview
Click Create an Interview.  Note: Click radial button next to Family declined family-directed assessment if Interview was declined and move to Eligibility Details.
The Interview page consists of two sections, the Participants section where information is gathered about the interviewer and interviewee, and the Questionnaire section where information is gathered about the child and family.
Input the Interview Date, Interviewer(s), and Interviewee(s).
Note: All roles from the Participants page of the IFSP other than the Parent are available from the Interviewer(s) menu. All participants are available from the Interviewee menu. Multiple Interviewers and Interviewees can be selected.
Interview Questionnaire Overview
The Interview Section contains the Family Concerns, Priorities, and text boxes to input data for Family Concerns, Family Resources and Family Priorities.
1. Select Yes radial dial for an areas that are a Concern for the Interviewee.
2.  Select Priority Level from the drop-down.  Note:  The Priority Level only opens up if Yes has been selected next to the area of Concern.
Input Family Concerns, Family Resources and Family Priorities in the text box and then click Save.
Add Method for Interview....
1. Select the Tool used to complete the Interview.
2.  Click Next Step.
Note:  Click the pencil icon to Edit the Interview or the Minus Radial Button to delete the Interview.
Next Steps
Once you have completed adding the interview(s) you are ready to add Eligibility Details.
For more information on completing Eligibility Details see the "Early On/IFSP Manual."