Where to Start
To create an Invitation click on Special Ed-> IEP Details-> Click "Select Action" Dropdown-> Click "Wizard Quick Resume"
From the IEP Wizard Quick Resume Menu, select IEP Wizard Goal Details.
Add Short-Term Objectives
1. Click the Add Short-Term Objective link.
Add Short-Term Objective(s)
1. Enter the Sort Order Number. This allows users to apply a specific order to the Short Term Objectives on the PDF form.
2. Describe the STO (e.g., Kailey will learn 20 new vocabulary words).
3. Select the Evaluation Procedure (a drop-down will appear where multiple selections can be made by placing a check box next to the appropriate assessment instrument).
4. Describe the criteria for successful completion of this goal (100% accuracy, 3 out of 5 trials, etc.).
5. Select the Assessment of Progress (a drop-down will appear with various selections which can be made by clicking the radio button next to the appropriate descriptor).
6. Input a Baseline Value (MUST be an integer, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 2.4, 5.5, etc.). Note: this field will not accept characters other than numbers (e.g., %, percent, etc. will cause errors).
7. Input a Target Value (MUST be an integer, e.g., 1, 2, 3, 2.4, 5.5, etc.). Note: this field will not accept characters other than numbers (e.g., %, percent, etc. will cause errors).
8. Click "Save."
Edit, View, and/or Delete Short-Term Objectives
1. Click the Edit STO link to edit a short-term objective.
2. Click the View STO link to view the short-term objective in a read-only format.
3. Click the Delete STO link to remove a short-term objective.
Next Steps
Once you have addressed all Goal or Demonstrated Needs areas on the IEP Wizard Goal Details page (i.e. Goals and Objectives), you are ready to proceed to the Progress Reports section of the IEP.
Click the Next button to continue to the Progress Reports portion of the IEP. For more information on how to complete the Progress Reports section of the IEP see the, "Progress Report Assurance" lesson in this manual.
Note: the Next Button will ONLY appear if all conditions on this page have been satisfied. If you see any Red X Icons then you will need to address those areas before you will be permitted to move on.