This article is intended as a guide to the IFSP Prior Written Notice in Illuminate.
Where to Start
1. Click Special Ed.
2. Click IFSP Prior Written Notice.
Create a Prior Written Notice
1. Click Create a new Prior Written Notice.
2. To print a blank form click Prior Written Notice.
Prior Written Notice Overview
There are three areas on IFSP Prior Written Notice page. Each area will be described in more detail in subsequent steps.
1. The first area includes information about the date of notice, district, parent/guardian and service coordinator.
2. This second includes information about Proposed Actions.
3. The third section allows users to select Reasons for the Proposed Actions or Denials.
Add Date of Notice, District, Parent/Guardian, Service Coordinator, Notification Method and Information Website
1. Input the Date of Notice.
2. Select District Name from drop-down.
3. Input Parent/Guardian name in the text box.
4. Select Service Coordinator from the drop-down.
5. Select Notification Method from the drop-down.
6. Information Website has the default of but can be changed as appropriate to another website.
7. Enter the Service Coordinator Phone Number.
Select Appropriate Proposed Actions
1. Select the appropriate Proposed Action(s) as appropriate.
Note: If Other is selected, specify in the text box.
1. Click on Reasons why Actions are Being Proposed or Denied as appropriate.
Note: If Other is selected, specify in the text box.
2. Click Save to save ALL information and return to IFSP Prior Written Notice page or click Save and Print to save ALL information and create a PDF.