This lesson will provide instruction on rolling over an IFSP.
Where to Start
1. Go to Special Ed.
2. Select IFSP Details.
1. Enter the IFSP Date.
2. Select IFSP Purpose(s)
3. Use drop down to select Service Coordinator. Note: You must be in your Early On site.
4. Enter Service Coordinator's Telephone.
5. Use drop down to select Providing Agency.
6. Begin typing the Service Provider's name and select from the drop down options shown. Note: This Service is rolled over from the previous IFSP and information entered into this are will automatically be carried over to the Service Page of the IFSP including the Start Date and End Date.
7. Enter the Start Date of the Service.
8. Enter the End Date of the Service.
9. Select Next Step.
1. Once the IFSP has been rolled over you will be taken to the IFSP Details and the message of "IFSP Rolled over successfully" will appear.
2. To Edit the rolled over IFSP click Select Action.
3. Select Edit Process.
1. The IFSP Date comes over based on what was selected in the IFSP Rollover Options.
2. Any IFSP Purpose selected in the IFSP Rollover Options will come over along with the date of the IFSP. NOTE: You will want to change the date to reflect the IFSP Meeting Date.
3. The date(s) from any previous IFSP processes completed in Illuminate (where the new IFSP was used) with show up beside the appropriate process. Notes: a) To add additional previous IFSP date(s) for IFSPs not completed in Illuminate or done using the old IFSP process, enter the date beside the appropriate purpose. b) Clicking on the radial dial to add a check mark will notify the system that this is also a Purpose for the IFSP. c) If the radial dial is selected do not enter a date UNLESS you are adding previous Annual Dates as this will override the IFSP Meeting Date.
4. Select the area(s) of Eligibility. Note: It is VERY important that this is completed correctly as a) in order for the Eligibility Page to print with the IFSP this will need to be completed; b) in order for the data to push upon publishing this needs to be completed.
5. Add the Service Coordinator from the drop down options, phone number and Providing Agency from the drop down options. Note: You must be in your Early On Site in order to select from the Providing Agency drop down options.
6. Click Next Step.
All of the information from the previous IFSP has been rolled over. Edit, delete and add information as appropriate to complete the IFSP.
Service Details Page
The Service Provider and Dates comes over to the Service Details Page based on the information provided in the IFSP Rollover Options.
Click on the pencil icon to edit the Service.
Click the red circle icon to delete the Service.
Key Dates to Review/Update on a Rollover IFSP
Eligibility Page
The previous Prior Written Notice Date is rolled over. Any changes/updates to eligibility will require a new Prior Written Notice which is located in the Special Education Tab under "IFSP Prior Written Notice". Please change the date of the new PWN here.
Parental Consent Page
1. The Prior Written Notice Date on the Parent Consent Page comes over from the PWN on the Eligibility Page.
2. Any Parent Consent selected in the previous IFSP will roll over.
The Parental Consent Signature Date from the previous IFSP is rolled over. This will need to be updated to reflect the current Parental Consent Date.