This article provides a list of fields contained in the .tab delimited MSDS extract.
Please Note: This is not a complete General Collection Extract. The .tab delimited extract ONLY contains special education related data.
Field 36: Primary Disability - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Primary Disability"
To find a students' primary disability click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Primary Disability View
Field 38: Date of IEP/Placement/Date of Implementation - MSDS Characteristic Name - "IEP Date"
To find a student's Current IEP Date click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Important Dates-> Current IEP
Note: If the student has an Illuminate IEP, the system will automatically pull the FAPE Date as the Current IEP Date. If the student does not have an Illuminate IEP, the extract will pull from the Important Dates Current IEP Date field. As long as providers are completing IEPs in the system, this field should not need manual intervention.
Field 39a: Completion of Initial IEP (Timeliness of Initial IEP) - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Timeliness of Initial IEP"
To find the student's Timeliness of Initial IEP field click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Status-> Referral Parental Consent
Field 39b: Result of Initial IEP - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Result of Initial IEP"
To find the student's Result of Initial IEP field click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Status-> IEP Result
Field 39c: School Days Beyond Evaluation and Completion of Initial IEP Timeline - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Days Beyond Timeline"
To find the student's Number of Days Beyond Evaluation and Completion of Initial IEP Timeline field click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Status-> Number of Days Passed Consent/Extension Date
Parental Consent Date - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Date of Parental Consent"
To find the student's Parental Consent Date field click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Status-> Parental Consent Date
Evaluation Extension Date - Not Reported to MSDS
To find the student's Evaluation Extension Date field click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Status-> Evaluation Extension Date
Field 40: FTE in Section 52 (Membership) - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Section 52 FTE"
To find the student's Section 53 Membership click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Demographics-> Section 53=No
This will cause the student's FTE to be included in Section 52 (Membership)
Field 41: FTE in Section 53 (Membership) - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Section 53 FTE"
To find the student's Section 53 Membership click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Demographics-> Section 53=Yes
This will cause the student's FTE to be included in Section 53 (Membership)
General Education FTE - MSDS CHaracteristic Name - "General Education FTE"
To find the student's General Education FTE click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student FTE Details
Fields 42(a)(b)(c): Program Service Codes - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Program Service Code"
To find the student's Program Codes click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Program Code Details
Fields 43(a)(b)(c)(d)(e): Support Service Service Codes - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Support Services"
To find the student's Service Codes click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Service Code Details
Field 44: Primary Educational Setting - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Primary Educational Setting"
To find the student's Primary Ed Setting click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Demographics-> Instructional Setting
Field 45: Special Education Exit/Completion Reason - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Special Education Exit Reason"
The Special Education Exit/Completion Reason is determined dynamically based on the presence of an Ineligible IEP or a Parent Revocation created in Illuminate.
When primary disability has endedand parent revoked services = Code 31
When primary disability has endedand parent did not revoke services = Code 30
Field 46: Special Education Date Exited or Completed - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Special Education Exit Date"
Special Education Date Exited or Completed equals the primary disability end date.
To find a students' primary disability click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Primary Disability View
Field 50: Placement in District by Another District IEP - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Placed by Another District IEP"
To find the student as Placed in Another District IEP click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Student Demographics-> Is Non-Resident= Yes
This will cause the IEP to be flagged as Placement in a District by Another District IEP.
Transitional - Not reported to MSDS
This field is not required for MSDS reporting purposes; however, it identifies if an IEP created during the count period contains transition goals.
Assessment Tool - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Assessment Tool"
To find the Assessment Tool for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Assessment Tool
Entry Assessment Date - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Entry Assessment Date"
To find the Entry Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Entry Assessment-> Entry Assessment Date
Exit Assessment Date - MSD Characteristic Name - "Exit Assessment Date"
To find the Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Exit Assessment-> Exit Assessment Date
Outcome 1A - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 1A"
To find the Outcome 1A information in an Entry or Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Entry/Exit Assessment-> Outcome 1A
Outcome 1B - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 1B"
To find the Outcome 1B information in an Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Exit Assessment-> Outcome 1A = Yes/No
Outcome 2A - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 2A"
To find the Outcome 2A information in an Entry or Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Entry/Exit Assessment-> Outcome 2A
Outcome 2B - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 2B"
To find the Outcome 2B information in an Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Exit Assessment-> Outcome 2A = Yes/No
Outcome 3A - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 3A"
To find the Outcome 3A information in an Entry or Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Entry/Exit Assessment-> Outcome 3A
Outcome 3B - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Outcome 3B"
To find the Outcome 3B information in an Exit Assessment Date for 3-5 COSF click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early Childhood Assessment (3-5 yr olds)-> Edit Exit Assessment-> Outcome 3A = Yes/No
Early On Transition Timeliness - MSDS Characteristic Name - "Transition IFSP"
To find the Early On Transition Timeliness information click the Special Ed Tab (ISE/DnA/ISI Combination Sites) or Students Tab (ISE Only Sites)-> Early On Transition-> Transition IFSP Timeliness