This lesson requires that you select a student and are currently in student mode. If you are unsure how to select a student, refer to the Searching for a Student document. If you have already selected a student, please continue.
To start:
- If you are in the IEP wizard, go to IEP Wizard Commitment/Consent Statements page.
- Otherwise, click Special Ed > IEP Details > Wizard Quick Resume > IEP Wizard Commitment/Consent Statements
Resident District Commitment
The superintendent of the resident district, or the designee, must check the appropriate boxes confirming agreement or disagreement with the proposed plan, and sign and date the form [School Code §380.1751; R 340.1722a(2); R 340.1721c(1)].
Non-resident Operating District Commitment
This section is completed when the operating district is different than the resident district and the resident district superintendent or designee has given authorization to the operating district to conduct subsequent IEP Team meetings. The superintendent or designee of the operating district must check the appropriate boxes, sign, and date the form. The IEPT chairperson/agency representative may sign as the designee.
Adult Providing IEP Consent
If the parent/guardian/surrogate is in attendance, then they must sign, date and check the appropriate boxes confirming agreement or disagreement with the proposed plan. If the parent/guardian/surrogate is not in attendance at an initial, or transfer IEPT, use either the signature page of the IEP form or the Permission for Placement Form (Form #4) to secure parental permission to provide the programs and services outlined in the IEP report. The student cannot be initially placed until the parent/guardian/surrogate gives written permission. Following each updated IEP, the parent is entitled to notice before the agency implements the programs and services specified on the updated IEP (34 CFR §300.503).
Click Next when all appropriate options have been selected
Ensure that all relevant options are selected. When finished, click Next.
This concludes the Commiting/Consenting to the IEP lesson. For any additional questions or for more lessons, please visit our Help & Support web page. You can also email us at Thank you.