In this lesson, you will learn how to Manage Assignments in Gradebook. You will learn how to assign a due date, edit a section, delete an assignment, and copy to other classes.
Where to Start

- Click the Gradebook tab.
- Select My Gradebooks.
- Click on the title of your Gradebook.
- Click on the Assignments tab.
- Select Manage Assignments.
Assignment Management List
- This is the Assignment list.
- If the assignment is linked to a Category, the category title will show.
- If the assignment is associated with Tags, the tags will show.
- If you chose to type in a Description of the assignment, it will display.
- The Assign Date will be displayed.
- The assignment Due Date will be displayed.
- Use the Search bar to find specific assignments for quick referencing.
- Click on the number under RC & Standards Links to assign Report Card areas to be linked with this assignment.
- You can also link standards to multiple assignments via the checkboxes at right, then use the dropdowns below to select the RC areas you wish to assign.
- Use the checkbox to select one or more assignments and select Delete in the dropdown menu. Click submit to delete the assignments.
- You can click the paper icon to duplicate an assignment.
Next Steps
Now that you've learned how to manage assignments, learn how to Create, Enable and Disable GradeBook Filters.