This lesson will guide you through the use of the Assessment Custom Report Starter tool. This is an easy way to start a custom report using any basic assessment data like percentages, total points and performance bands/levels. Once this basic report is generated you will have the ability to use any other custom report options you would like.
Where to Start

1. Click on the Reports tab.
2. Click View Reports.
3. Once in the list of reports, select the Prebuilt filter from the list.
4. You can search through the list, or type 'custom report' into the search bar. Click Search.
5. Once the report comes up, click the title to access the Assessment Custom Report Starter.
Adding Assessments to the Custom Report Starter

1. Give your custom report a title.
2. Choose the assessments you would like to use to populate the report by clicking in the Choose Assessments box.

Once you click on Choose Assessments, you can start typing in the Title/Keyword for an assessment.
All matching assessments will populate in a dropdown menu. Simply click on the ones you wish to add to the report.

Once you have chosen assessments, you will see the assessments you selected under the 'Choose Assessments' section.
3. Use the Report Columns check boxes to customize the columns you would like to be put in the report for each assessment.
4. Click Build Report.
You will have the option to add additional columns and charts once you have built the basic report.
Once you have selected Build Report, your custom report will generate with all of the assessment data you selected. At this point you have the ability to use any of the custom report functions to add additional columns, filters, charts, generate form letters or share the report with other users.
The Assessment Custom Report Starter can also be accessed by opening an assessment and selecting Reports > + Custom Report.
Next Steps
For more information on these functions see the help documents under Custom Reports.