Description: This is an abstract for the AIMSweb Summary of Effectiveness report. This report examines the effectiveness of the core reading or math program and instructional supports at the three instructional levels.
Purpose: This report is meant to help demonstrate the effectiveness of the Programs for Core, Supplemental Support, and Intensive Intervention for a given school site for specific General Outcome Measures.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > AIMSweb Summary of Effectiveness

Who is the intended audience?
This report is meant for Administrators to help evaluate the effectiveness of the Programs at given school site for specific General Outcome Measures.
What data is reported?
This report includes the reporting period, subject area, academic year, school site, grade level, General Outcome Measures, percent of students at each tier per grade level, percent of students who maintained/improved from a given tier, and the effectiveness of the program.
How is the data reported?
The school site is displayed on a single page with the selected General Outcome Measures broken down by grade level, and then each grade level is broken into the three tiers. The percentage of the student body within the tier, as well as the percentage of students who either maintained (tier 1) or improved (from tier 2/3) and the calculation of Effectiveness are also displayed.