Description: This is an abstract for the Honor Roll List report, which identifies students who met a specified GPA requirement to be placed on the Honor Roll.
Purpose: Generates a list of students who met a specified GPA for the Honor Roll.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Honor Roll
The GPA ranking report must be run first before the honor roll report will return data. When running the GPA ranking report, you will need to select "Grading Period" under the GPA time period. This will ensure that you are running the GPA ranking report for the grading period that you would like to generate Honor Roll for. In addition to this selection, you will also need to select "Include Progress Grades" since the grading period "1st quarter" is only a progress period. Run the Ranking report for all grade levels.

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators.
What data is reported?
A list of students by name of students who met the specified GPA for the Honor Roll.
How is the data reported?
Student name (in alphabetical order by last name), Student ID, Grade, and GPA.