Description: This is an abstract for the Pivot Table report, which can compare student, teacher, course and/or site results over 2 years of testing. This report also utilizes assigned performance band colors by default for Illuminate Assessments.
Purpose: Identifies which students went up, down or did not change performance levels on the State Assessments, State English Language Assessments, and Illuminate Assessments.
Navigation: Reports > View Reports > Prebuilt > Pivot Table

Who is the intended audience?
Teachers and Administrators.
What data is reported?
You can compare any combination of State, EL, and Illuminate Assessments. The report shows a count of students at each performance level combination. The report also uses the colors in the assessment performance band sets as well as appropriate colors for State or EL assessments.
How is the data reported?
Performance Level Pivot Table
Shows the number of students at each performance level combination. Total students for row/column run along the outside. Bubble chart visualizes the counts found in the table. Each separate report section/page belongs to an individual teacher, course, or site, and performance for all chosen fields combined is reported at the end.
Performance Change Data Grid
Shows the number of students that moved up, down, or stayed the same on the most recent assessment. Total students at each level on the most recent assessment appear outside the table.
Band Jumper Data Table
Gain(+): Students who increased a PL from the first dataset selected to the second dataset selected.
No Change: No change in PL from the first dataset selected to the second dataset selected.
Decline(-): Students decreased a PL from the first dataset selected to the second dataset selected.
Each separate report section/page belongs to an individual teacher, course, or site, and performance for all chosen fields combined is reported at the end.
There is a "Show Colors" option should the assessment performance band colors be too light.
PRE and POST labels for the versions that include Illuminate Assessments indicate which data belongs to which result set.
Performance Level Pivot

Band Jumper Pivot

This report is currently available in the following states: CA, CO, GA, IL, MA, MI, OH, PA, TX, and WA.