Description: This is an abstract for the Secondary Report Card Details- Student List by Grading Period report. This report shows a list of students for one grading period (rather than multiple) with comments.
Purpose: This report shows a list of students (grouped by class) filtered by GP and their grades and comments from the secondary report card..
Navigation: Reports > List Reports > Secondary Report Card Details- Student List by Grading Period

Who is the intended audience?
What data is reported?
Secondary Report Card displays Student (ID), Class (Section ID), Period, Teacher, Grades, Citizenship and Work Habit scores along with additional comments if inputted.
How is the data reported?
Data is displayed by Student and then by Period.
Limitations: The report can only be run for one grading period at a time.
Important Notes: Again, the normal scope selector is used so it provides the same flexibility. Please note there is an input control where the user must select a grading period. (Remember: Grading periods are site-specific, so the user will have to toggle to the site-level in the scope selector.)